Northern delights

Given its size, Donegal presents distinct challenges in terms of accessibility to learning

Given its size, Donegal presents distinct challenges in terms of accessibility to learning. This May saw the app ointment of two new adult education officers for the county, Crona Gallagher and Martin Gormley. Together they will oversee a number of interesting developments in access to education in Donegal. Donegal VEC already has four designated adult education and training centres at Letterkenny, Buncrana, Donegal town and Gortahork, with two new centres in the offing for this autumn in Milford and on Oilean Thoraigh. The centre on the island of Oilean Thoraigh will be a new departure for adult education here, as courses will be offered through Irish.

Mar a duirt Crona Gallagher: "Ta dha ionad Youthreach sa chontae faoi lathair, lonnaithe i Leitir Ceanainn agus i mBun Cranach. Ta se ar intinn againn ionad ur Youthreach a chur ar bun sa Ghael tacht gan mhoill, a dhean

faidh freastal ar dhaoine oga ansin a d'fhag an scoil go luath agus ar mhaith leo feabhas a chur ar a gcuid scileanna. Chomh maith le scileanna praic ticiula, mar adhmadoireacht, cocaireacht agus riomhaireacht, beidh seans ag an aos og cursai cumarsaide agus forbairt pearsanta a dheanamh le cuidiu leo ullmhu i gcomhair fostaiochta."

Crona Gallagher is responsible for three main areas of training in the county: community education, adult literacy and Youthreach.


The Community Education Programme supports a wide range of courses including those offered by women's groups, community groups and voluntary organisations. This autumn programmes supported will include introductory courses in women's studies to be offered across the county by the Second Chance Education Project for Women, and a Certificate in Social Care Course which is offered in conjunction with N.U.I. Galway

The literacy programme offers one-to-one and small group tuition for adults. For those wishing to pursue an accredited course, the NCVA Foundation Level in Communication Skills course is available within centres and in local communities. Training for volunteer tutors, with City & Guilds initial certification, was offered at Letterkenny and Buncrana last year and will be offered again this year in Donegal town.

Initial training courses for those wishing to become volunteer tutors on the Reading & Writing Scheme will be offered at various venues throughout the county.

A tutor training programme in facilitating family learning is currently being developed for this autumn.

The programme, accredited by the Open College Network, will train tutors to help parents to facilitate their children's learning.

Martin Gormley specialises in three areas of adult education: Vocational Training and Opportunity Schemes (VTOS), IT training and night classes.

VTOS programmes take place at each of the four designated adult education and learning centres and are available to anyone over the age of 21 who has been unemployed for six months. Computing (NCVA level II and European Computer Driving Licence), childcare and Leaving Certificate courses are available. Donegal has its own designated IT training centre, offering tuition to individuals, businesses and commercial groups.

Testament to its success is its buoyancy - the centre is currently running at a profit. Martin Gormley is currently examining the possibility of getting a mobile IT training unit on the road, in order to provide greater access to those living in remote areas.

"There is a huge demand for IT training from all sectors and for a variety of end uses. Relative to the commercial sector, our night classes are reasonably priced and accessible to a large number of people, whether they want to learn for reasons of employment, promotion, or simply to get the best from a home PC," says Gormley.