World Service Project: Fire in a Pet Shop

Fire in a Pet Shop
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Artist: World Service Project
Genre: Jazz
Label: Megasound

Young London quintet World Service Project aren't simply challenging the definition of jazz – they're chasing it down a side street, wrestling it to ground and calling for back-up. The influence of Charles Mingus, Django Bates and late Coltrane may be discerned in keyboardist Dave Morecroft's energetic compositions for trombone, saxophone and rhythm section, but it's generally drowned out by other influences from extreme metal, punk rock, 1970s cop-show themes, videogame background music and the odd burst of good old-fashioned racket. Since it's all done with admirable conviction, a healthy disregard for decorum, and a sensibility appropriated from British alternative comedy, it's easy to understand why WSP's raucous sound is finding them a hip, young audience outside the jazz ghetto. worldserviceproject.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director