Pop corner

AILBHE MALONE is coming to terms with the fact that she will never see Taylor Swift naked

AILBHE MALONEis coming to terms with the fact that she will never see Taylor Swift naked

TRACK OF THE WEEK Genie in a Coke Can by FOE. Do you see what FOE’s done? She’s written a track mocking celebrity mania and then titled it so that it looks similar to a Christina Aguilera song. LOL! Song names aside, Genie in a Coke Can is snot-pop at its best, with distorted guitars and a Courtney Love chorus. For fans of music purchasing, FOE’s got an EP out soon, entitled Hot New Trash, and it is 75 per cent really good.

Best put-down of the week goes to the editors of GQ magazine. During a live web chat, one of their readers asked: “Has Chris Brown ever been on the cover of GQ? And if not, when will he be?” In one of the wittier ripostes we’ve heard this year, the GQ team replied “might be a while. It is Gentlemen’s Quarterly, after all, not Ironically-Named- Magazine-That-Knowingly-Puts-Domestic- Abusers-on-Its-Cover Quarterly.” Amazing.

Taylor Swift has made it pretty clear that she won’t be doing any nudey photo shoots any time soon. Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, she said: “It’s just a life decision. I don’t feel comfortable taking my clothes off. I wouldn’t wear tiny amounts of clothing in my real life, so I don’t think it’s necessary to wear that stuff in photo shoots.”


Demi Lovato has come out of rehab, and has begun to speak about why she went in. Writing in Seventeen magazine, she hints at an eating disorder, noting “there have been times when I definitely have been tempted to get rid of my dinner. But I will deal with it for the rest of my life because it’s a life-long disease.”

She adds: “I don’t think there’s going to be a day when I don’t think about food or my body, but I’m living with it, and I wish I could tell young girls to find their safe place and stay with it.”

Demi, Pop Corner’s behind you all the way.