Paul Hourican - Sea-Change: A little musically tepid

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Artist: Paul Hourican
Genre: Singer / Songwriter
Label: Hurricane Records

There’s nothing that puts a weight of expectation on an album more than the fact that it’s been six years in the making – spanning two continents in the process.

Paul Hourican's second album isn't quite in Chinese Democracy territory, but the Dubliner has crafted a surprisingly cohesive collection, given the circumstances.

These are softly sung folk and pop tunes, supplemented by the occasional swell of strings or Hourican's wife Susan's melodious voice, while the odd comparatively edgy slant (Burning Bright and Always Runnin' both leave traces of acoustic Bowie in their wake) provides a welcome contrast.

True, there is the odd platitudinous if well-meaning lyric and it’s perhaps a little musically tepid at times, but there is much to be said for these considered, solid songs.

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times