Jetplane Landing: Don’t Try

Don't Try
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Artist: Jetplane Landing
Genre: Rock
Label: Smalltown America

They're the elder statesmen of Northern Ireland's post-hardcore scene, but don't mistake Jetplane Landing for fusty old axemen. Now in their 14th year, the Derry quartet's return to recording after a six-year gap isn't a reinvention by any means. This is both a good and bad thing; while Don't Try is a fiery collection of clamorous riffs that is often enjoyable, when Andrew Ferris sneers "Hey maggots, get off my turf – I wrote sh*t like this fucking years ago," on Beat Generation . . . Ha! , it seems pointless to defend a territory that is far from innovative. The best songs are the rhythmically interesting ones such as Cortez & Columbus, when melody and deftness of touch isn't smothered by the overbearing and unnecessary heavy-duty din. Solid, but not really that exciting.

Download: Cortez & Columbus, The Trees Fill With Screaming Birds

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times