Everything Everything: Get to Heaven | Album Review

Get to Heaven
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Artist: Everything Everything
Genre: Pop
Label: RCA

Three albums into their career, the Manchester band have found the groove that has sputtered and occasionally stalled on their previous records.

They had sporadically impressed with their inventive, colourful incursions into experimental pop music, but with Get to Heaven there is a new swagger to their stride, audible on the scuffled infusion of electro-soul on Regret and the 1980s synth lines of Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread.

Coupled with Jonathan Higgs's rapid-fire vocals that occasionally swerve into falsetto, songs like the dark gurgle of Fortune 500 sit comfortably amid the clubby, string-laden thunk of No Reptiles.

There's even space for some Radiohead-esque guitar lines on To The Blade. They remain a divisive band, but the twists and turns of this album makes it indisputably engrossing.

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times