TRACK OF THE WEEK: "Sorry, Not Sorry," by Demi Lovato – Demi Lovato is the patron saint of slaying your demons, and living your best life. From "Skyscraper" to "Confident" and now "Sorry, Not Sorry", she continues to gather her best mates and dominate the dancefloor. There's a thumping bass line, and a funky vocal hook, and best of all: an opening line that's so feisty and firey it leaves scorch marks. We can't wait for the video.
Heroes of the week are former Barney the Dinosaur castmates Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez, who tweeted at each other, congratulating their new releases. Demi said "@selenagomez Loving your new song Fetish, we've come a long way since our Barney days [][]" Selena replied: "Yes we have. Just listening to Sorry Not Sorry. You slay as always. So happy for you!"
Meanwhile, Miley Cyrus opened up to Harper's Bazaar about her past. "People were so shocked by some of the things that I did. It should be more shocking that when I was 11 or 12, I was put in full hair and make-up, a wig, and told what to wear by a group of mostly older men. It's no wonder that a lot of people lose their way and lose who they really are because they always have people telling them who to be."

Zero of the week is Twitter, Ed Sheeran told the Sun. "I've actually come off Twitter completely, I can't read it. I go on it and there's nothing but people saying mean things. One comment ruins your day. But that's why I've come off it." He went on, "the head-f*** for me has been trying to work out why people dislike me so much." Lady Gaga subsequently defended Ed on Instagram, typing: "I LOVE ED @teddysphotosdeserves all our love and respect like all humans do I wish all people on the internet would be positive and loving and apart of creating an online community that is kind and empowering, not hateful and mean. No reason to tear down an artist simply because they are on top. Work harder to be kinder everybody."