Youth Lagoon

The Year of Hibernation Fat Possum ****

The Year of Hibernation Fat Possum****

Trevor Powers understands the allure of melancholy. This debut album from the Idaho bedroom producer and multi- instrumentalist is awash in the stuff, yet don't mistake these tender, beautiful tracks for pages from the diary of a lonely, earnest kid. Powers's fragile, intimate vocals may provide a faint trail of sorts through confessional themes of anxiety and fear, but the musical wash that powers The Year of Hibernationis much more majestic in scope and realisation. Those soft-toned guitars, foggy keyboards and shivers of percussion gain muscle and momentum as each song builds and swells. Very quickly you'll find yourself enthralled by these sounds and songs and drawn back again and again to tracks such as July, Postersand Cannons. The only downside is that the eight tracks just aren't enough, and you're left aching for more. A genuinely great first album. See lagoon

Download tracks: July, Posters, Cannons