
1992 to 2012 Anthology Cooking Vinyl ****

1992 to 2012 Anthology Cooking Vinyl****

Don't mistake the brace of Underworld retrospectives ( A Collectionfeatures edited highlights of the band's career to date) as a farewell. Karl Hyde and Rick Smith are still a going concern, with music for the forthcoming Olympics' opening ceremony on their to-do list. 1992 to 2012 Anthologyfollows the duo from life as members of Freur (the band with a squiggle for their name) to their standing as one of stadium dance's big kahunas. What striking as you relive such early gems as Rezand Cowgirlis how unlikely and off-kilter these bangers still sound. Trainspottingand Born Slippymay have placed Underworld in the zeitgeist, but they have sidestepped the mainstream since. Expect them to be still producing sleek, nuanced, off-trend electronic music capable of thrilling stadiums, fields and big rooms for some time to come. underworldlive. com

Download tracks: Rez, Cowgirl, Two Months Off