Smile EMI*****
Locked in an ever-escalating creative battle with The Beatles (this was supposed to be the retort to
Sgt Pepper's) and quickly losing his mind, Brian Wilson was all but finished off by this mythical album. Conceptually arranged as the follow-up to
Pet Sounds– and just how do you follow-up what for many is the best album of all time? –
Smilecould and should have been an extraordinarily brilliant arty companion. Instead it descended into an insane mess and nothing was ever released. There have been numerous leaks over the years, and most fans will have a copy, but here it is as it was first intended.
Heroes and Villainsis perhaps The Beach Boys' best- ever moment, and
Surf's Upis almost unbearably poignant. There is genius at work here. The official release will, weirdly, remove some of the album's mystery, but don't let that deter you. This is almost a genre of music unto itself. See
Download tracks: Heroes and Villains, Surf's Up, Wonderful, Cabinessence