Nette Robinson/Michael Garrick

Remembered Time JAZA ****

Remembered Time JAZA****

Robinson and Garrick share more than an affinity for the music of Bill Evans; the young singer and the veteran pianist/ composer have a feel for emotional (and musical) equivocation, as well as an intuitive sense of what each is doing. Five of the 12 pieces here are Evans's, with Garrick contributing the rest to a programme distinguished, among other things, by his gemlike accompaniments to the vocals. Robinson uses her light voice well; she lets the lyric do the work and, in a mostly trio setting with Matt Ridley (bass), handles some really challenging material with aplomb. On an album of understated beauty, movingly seasoned with astringency, outstanding are Very Early(with fine alto from Tony Ridley) , Little Boy, Shining Light(with Gabriel Garrick's gorgeous flügelhorn), Little Girl, Time Remembered, Turn Out the Starsand a superb September Reflection.see