Bob Brozman, John McSherry and Donal O'Connor

Six Days in Down Riverboat Records/World Music Network ****

Six Days in Down Riverboat Records/World Music Network ****

If collaboration was always this much fun, we’d all be doing it. American tricone and Hawaiian guitarist Bob Brozman has had his share of music partners. This prolific performer and recording artist has hit the colder climate of Co Down in the company of At First Light fiddle player Dónal O’Connor and piper John McSherry. What emerges from their six days in Down is a sometimes whimsical, ever fleet-footed, and strapping collection of tunes, including two from Stephanie Makem. Flexing their musical muscles to encompass middle eastern tones on their own composition,

Beer-belly Dancing

, and touching on the two-keyed north African lydian mode on



, Brozman, McSherry and O’Connor underscore the lifeblood of any tradition: whose pulse beats hardest in the musicians who make it their own. See

Download tracks: Pota Mór Fataí. Brelydian

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts