Margaret Somers

Age: 23

Age: 23

Occupation: Perfume consultant

Today's buy: A black jacket in River Island

Best sales bargain: That jacket which was down from £60 to £25 and some Escada perfume in Brown Thomas at 30 per cent off


Best sales: Brown Thomas, River Island, BT2

Best Christmas present: CD player

Worst Christmas present: Cosmetic gift set

Three most important wardrobe items: A wine satin jacket from Oasis is "most-worn" item

Looking for: "I'm happy with my new black jacket from River Island"

Key item for 1999: "A dress worn over trousers seems very popular"

High heels or flatties: Flatties - "always"

Wears for work: Black tailored suit from BTs

Reading: Hollywood Wives by Jackie Collins

Most frequented shops: Oasis, Brown Thomas, BT2

Never shops in: Penneys, Japan

Object of desire: "Definitely something by Vivienne Westwood"

Style icon: Lead singer from Aqua