Teen problems:
A study of Irish school-going adolescents has shown a 21 per cent prevalence of psychological problems. More boys than girls reported problems in the study of 16-year-olds, which was carried out by the North Eastern Health Board. Some 6.4 per cent of those studied reported thinking of suicide frequently and the authors say this high level is a cause for concern. Older adolescents tend to fall into a gap between the current child and adult psychological services, they added. (Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine)
Drug warning:
Thioridazine, a drug used frequently in the past for the management of behavioural problems in the elderly, has had its use restricted following a safety review. Its sole indication is now as a second-line treatment in adult schizophrenia. The new restrictions are based on data which shows possible cardiac toxicity leading to rhythm disturbance in the heart. If you are currently taking this drug, you should discuss whether or not to continue during the next routine consultation with your doctor.
Travel jab:
A single-dose combined vaccine against typhoid fever and hepatitis A has been shown to be both safe and effective. The majority of the 462 people who participated in a trial of the new vaccine showed a very good immune response within one month of a jab. The researchers concluded that the combined vaccine offered more convenience and effectiveness for travellers. (Journal of Travel Medicine) O'Morain, consultant gastroenterologist, "those who experience considerable discomfort or who suffer more than twice a week or those who still experience troublesome symptoms despite their current medication shoudl consult their GP. Frequent troublesome heartburn can be an indication of a more serious condition."
Parents' help:
Approximately 5,000 parents of all ages contacted parentline last year. The voluntary group is now looking for volunteers with three or four hours a week to spare to work on their telephone helpline (based in Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7). Training in listening and counselling skills will be given to those volunteers, starting on February 3rd. Meanwhile, Parentline begin a ten-week series of meetings for parents, starting on Tuesday, January 23 at 8 p.m. in the Friends Meeting House, Eustace St, Dublin. The Parentline helpline is Tel: 01 8787230 or email:parentline@eircom.net
Coping with suicide: A course on "Facing Up to Suicide" begins tomorrow night at 8 p.m. (registration 7.20 p.m.) at St Mary's College Hall, Rathmines, Dublin. Speakers participating over the 10-week course include a psychiatrist, psychologists, bereavement counsellors and a suicidologist. Cost: £25. Advance booking required on tel: 01-8380157.