It's been pretty hands-on so far

MY TY WEEK: Kate O’Mahony (15) of Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty, Co Cork

MY TY WEEK:Kate O'Mahony (15) of Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty, Co Cork

‘Today, I had my hands massaged. It wasn’t to be pampered. We’re learning the technique because we will be regular visitors to the geriatric care unit at Mount Carmel Hospital. From October, we’ll be visiting elderly people during our religion class, going to the day care centre, sitting and chatting with them, finding out about their life, and of course, giving them hand massages.

“At the moment, we’re getting our mini-company project. We had a choice between involvement in the mini-company or the Young Social Innovators project. I was in two minds, but I chose the mini-company. We have to submit an application for the position we want to take.

“We had our first PE lesson a few weeks ago, which started with a five-mile walk, and outdoor pursuits like orienteering, tennis, and rounders are planned for later in the year. Coming up, we’ll have a law day, where two barristers will visit the school and tell us about their jobs and what they do. We’ll set up a court scene in the mock trials, as has been done by previous Transition Year students.


“One of the most interesting projects so far has been a talk about different cultures and religions. The Anna Lindh Foundation (an international organisation founded after the murder of a Swedish politician in 2003) runs a programme called Don’t Judge Me, and they spoke to us about racism and other issues.

“I was with the same class for the past three years, but in Transition Year, we’re all mixed together. It’s been great getting to know new people.”