In the picture

Congratulations are deserved by Drs Nicola Figgis and Brendan Rooney whose catalogue of Irish paintings in the National Gallery…

Congratulations are deserved by Drs Nicola Figgis and Brendan Rooney whose catalogue of Irish paintings in the National Gallery of Ireland (NGI) has just been published, writes Robert O'Byrne. The first of three such volumes, Irish Paintings in the National Gallery of Ireland (£55), includes some 230 works by more than 50 artists from the late 17th to the early 19th century; its successors will cover the later collections. Many names will be familiar, such as Hugh Douglas Hamilton and James Barry, but others may be less well-known, not least Charles Collins, who specialised in still lifes and Solomon Delane, much of whose career was spent in Italy.

This is the first time such a comprehensive approach has been taken to the body of Irish work. The latest volume, illustrated in colour throughout, has a description and analysis of each picture, along with detailed biographical information on individual artists. As such, it is a natural companion to Strickland's Dictionary of Irish Artists, which dates back to 1913, as well as Professor Anne Crookshank and the Knight of Glin's book on Irish painting, which is due to appear in a revised edition next year.

The two authors of Irish Paintings in the National Gallery of Ireland are highly-regarded specialists: Nicola Figgis lectures in the history of art department at UCD and Brendan Rooney is a research fellow at NGI. They will be giving a talk on the catalogue in the National Gallery tonight at 7 p.m., admission free.