Motorstorm Apocalypse

16 cert, Sony/Evolution, PS3 ****

16 cert, Sony/Evolution, PS3****

Here's a confession: I prefer unconventional and even gimmicky racing games to more realistic ones. As much as I admire Gran Turismo 5and its impeccable attention to detail, vulgar, aggressive fare like Split/ Second Velocityand the Motorstormseries will always do it for me.

Motorstorm Apocalypse takes place in an abandoned city. Gangs of racers tear through a crumbling area at the mercy of earthquakes, tornadoes and other meteorological mishaps. The weather shapes the environment as you drive it: bridges sway and collapse beneath your wheels, buildings and towers fall in front of you, roofs collapse above and around you, and all manner of objects, from abandoned cars to boats, are dropped in front of you.

All the while, your competitors can shove and push you to the side, and the city’s dangerous remaining inhabitants obstruct and throw missiles at you. Your vehicles range from the bouncing, zippy dirt-bikes to the cumbersome, muscular pick-up trucks, speedsters and muscle cars.


This game is fabulous looking, with admirably detailed graphics; it’s amazing how it crams in so much chaos and detail while remaining coherent and even graceful. (It’s available in 3D, but I played the 2D version.)

The controls are nice and simple: you’ve got a speed booster that can overheat and potentially explode your vehicle and you can cool it by driving through water, plus you can shunt to either side to fend off competitors. The feeling of momentum and its effect on your car (drifting and losing control as you accelerate) is well-rendered. And it all pumps along very nicely to a vibrant soundtrack with contributions from the likes of DJ Shadow.

There’s an effective online and multiplayer option, and the difficulty level for single- player games is pitched just right. You can play it in career mode or “Wreckreation” free- play mode for individual races.

My only real complaint with this fun, crass game is that the load times aren't great. Otherwise, Motorstorm Apocalypseis an addictive, fast-paced and cheeky racer.