When it comes to American football videogames, you don't get much more well-known than Madden. This year is the 25th anniversary of the series, and EA is dealing with the spectre of upcoming new platforms. The end result is playable if not exactly revolutionary, a little disappointing if you were expecting something more innovative for its silver anniversary. NFL 25 runs on EA's Infinity Engine 2, which is designed to improve player physics. While is doesn't go for the big-bang approach to redesigning, it does make some improvements to NFL 13. The running game has been given a bit of attention, provideing you with new tools to dodge your opponents. Tackles look more realistic as players hit the deck, bringing it closer to what you expect to see on TV. The Connected Franchise mode has also been tweaked, giving you the option to play as the owner and shift your team to a different city as the whim take you, in true NFL style. An evolution rather than a revolution. easports.com
Madden NFL 25