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SEAN QUINN Skylines Psychonavigation ***

There's a grand melodic tug to much of Belfast-born, Dublin-based producer Sean Quinn's début collection, and it's this quality which marks it out for careful consideration. Previously part of The Vivid and once signed to Brian Eno's EG imprint, Quinn's solo work exudes a quiet, intuitiveconfidence. While many slow-motion electronica albums are merely excuses for ambient grandstanding and irksome navel-gazing of a kind never envisaged by the genre's pioneers, Skylines stands up to scrutiny because Quinn has invested heavily in melodies. Instead of simply letting whatever technology was at his disposal dictate individual directions (as is often the case), Quinn has spent time crafting each track from the foundations up, making much of the album - from the smart, widescreen drama of Loop Thereof to the playful Dead Air - a resilient, punchy and charming affair. www.psychonavigation.com Jim Carroll