A report in the editions of Friday July 3rd headed "Senior garda says television crime programme gets results" implied that Mr David Harvey owns Midas Productions, the producers of Crimeline. Mr Aidan Sheerin, managing director of Midas Productions, points out that Mr Harvey resigned as a director of the company in September 1997 and that his services were contracted on a freelance basis for the last series of the programme.
A report in yesterday's editions headed "Compensation of almost £2m awarded to victim of hepatitis C" stated that legal costs of cases before the compensation tribunal averaged £220,000 per case. The Department of Health and the Chief State Solicitor's Office have pointed out that this figure should be £21,400.
The news digest on the front page of yesterday's editions said that an estimated 3,000 criminal prosecutions had been thrown into legal limbo following a Supreme Court decision. As the full report on page 4 made clear, the decision was made by the High Court.
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