Co-opera/David Brophy

Madama Butterfly - Pucini

Madama Butterfly - Pucini

'Handkerchiefs at the ready' calls the flyer for Co-Opera's touring production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly, sung In English. I doubt there were many wet handkerchiefs at the end of Tuesday night's performance, for Puccini loses impact when trimmed down.

Nevertheless, within the limitations imposed by small resources, this production works well. Six consistent and well-matched singers do everything, while the orchestra consists of two violin and one each of cello, clarinet, horn and piano.

The straightforward lighting, pleasing and historical costumes, neat and simple set, and Nicolette Molnar's unforced, natural style of directing complement one another. Overall, the performance was as well judged musically as it was dramatically.


David Brophy's arrangement is an effective cipher for Puccini's sumptuous score. As conductor he paced the music well, and the instrumentalists were responsive and reliable. The tide role was taken by Fiona O'Reilly. Although she did not show a wide range of colour, she was passionate, natural, secure and pleasing in tone, and had the right presence for this intimate production. While this Is not a high-flying Butterfly, It flutters along nicely.

Details of the Madama Butterfly tour from 01-4535519 or