
This Benchtours production, directed by Peter Brooks, fresh from its premiere last week in Dundee, is determined to push theatrical…

This Benchtours production, directed by Peter Brooks, fresh from its premiere last week in Dundee, is determined to push theatrical limits, straining to turn itself into a deconstructed B-movie through an arresting mix of energetic physicality, lip-synch dialogue, atmospheric lighting and music, melodramatic and mellifluous by turns.

Dalkey Town Hall reverberated with a booming sound track, precisely reminiscent of film shows in a rural hall, with the projector taking on an erratic life of its own. It was riveting, original and totally unpredictable - even if, at times, the raison d'etre remained elusive. As a piece of collaborative theatre, it drew on an impressive repertoire of performance skills. There were moments of sheer magic. However, the production needed to find pace and coherence. Yet the company's ambition knew no limits. They dared, and dared, and dared.

Carnivali tours to Inishbofin (tomorrow), Castlebar (Monday), Monaghan (Tuesday), Drogheda (Wednesday), Navan (Thursday) and Skehanna (Friday). For information, phone: 0044 131 555 3585.