A detective in west Cork has recalled a terrifying ordeal where she went to a car to intercept a drug deal only for the driver to take off at speed with her hanging from the driver’s door.
Det Garda Catherine McCarthy was dragged 80 feet down the road until the motorist pushed her to the ground, she said in her victim impact statement which was read to Cork Circuit Criminal Court on Friday.
Her account came at the sentencing hearing of Martin Keohane (34), of Derrygareen, Skibbereen, Co Cork, who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing serious harm to Det Garda McCarthy in Creagh, Baltimore, on April 8th, 2021.
The detective said when gardaí suspected that a drugs transaction was ongoing in a car on a remote road in Creagh, she approached the vehicle, identified herself to Keohane and asked him to turn off his car three times.
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“Without warning I heard tyres skidding on the gravel and next I was travelling at his car window shouting and begging him to stop. What happened relatively quickly felt like an eternity. With my legs uncontrollably dragging along the road, the speed was getting faster and I thought I was going to get dragged underneath the car.
“I had no way of preventing this from happening. I have never experienced such fear.” She said she thought: “This is it, I am going to die.”
The detective added: “I still cannot remember how I came off the car and ended up lying on the opposite side of the road so far up from where I started.”
Det Garda McCarthy said she could recall in vivid detail the back wheel of the car running over her ankle as she lay on the road.
“He (Keohane) drove off. An overpowering surge of anger and gratitude came over me. Gratitude that I was alive. As I tried to get my bearings, I realised I was very near the bend of the road and if a car came around the corner it would not expect me to be there and I would again be driven over.
“I began to panic, shouted at my colleagues for help and attempted to shuffle in to the ditch as I could not stand. I saw the shock on their faces. They came to my assistance.”
Dt Garda McCarthy said the incident had “broad-ranging negative impacts” on her home and professional life. She has constant pain in her neck, mid and lower back and is prohibited from playing sports or even sitting playing on the ground with her children for long periods of time.
“Outwardly, I appear healthy. Physically, I am constantly struggling to get through small tasks and needing relief from pain. I’m constantly wearing medicated pain patches, taking painkillers additionally and medications to elevate my mood/PTSD/sleep.”
Meanwhile, Dt Sgt Michael Lyons said that at 7pm on the date of the offence detectives from the West Cork Divisional Drugs Squad were carrying out surveillance on a remote road in Creagh near Baltimore where they suspected a drug transaction was taking place.
He told Judge Helen Boyle that they observed a man carrying out a drugs transaction with Keohane. The other man went to a nearby woods and was apprehended by gardaí.
Det Garda McCarthy approached the car driven by Keohane, identified herself and shouted, “gardaí, stop”. Det Sgt Lyons said as Mr Keohane attempted to drive off, Det Garda McCarthy tried to take the keys out of the ignition.
“Martin Keohane disregarded Det Garda McCarthys’s direction and accelerated away at reckless speed in the direction of Skibbereen. He initially travelled to the incorrect side of the road where he avoided hitting a wall by swerving violently away from it at the last minute, while all the time Det Garda McCarthy was hanging from the driver’s door of the car.
“I watched as Det Garda McCarthy was dragged for approximately 80 feet as the car travelled in increasing speed until she was pushed by Martin Keohane from the moving vehicle. I observed Martin Keohane’s vehicle driving over Det Garda McCarthy’s ankle.”
Dt Sgt Lyons said in his 30 years in the force he had never come across a more serious incident during which a garda “could have received fatal injuries”.
Mr Keohane, who is a father of one, was arrested in the aftermath of the incident. He offered €2,500 in compensation to Det Garda McCarthy which she declined.
Defence barrister Tom Creed, SC, said that his client was remorseful and was aware of the devastation he had caused the detective. Keohane had a problem with alcohol as a younger man and then “migrated to cannabis.” He was seeking help for his issues surrounding cannabis use.
Det Sgt Lyons said that Keohane was not a “known dealer " and mainly supplied to his friends. He had not come to Garda attention since the incident.
Mr Keohane, who works at a ceilings company, apologised to Det Garda McCarthy. He said that he “deeply regretted the trauma” he had caused her.
Judge Boyle paid tribute to Det Garda McCarthy, whom she described as being a “pioneering detective” who was the first female member of the West Cork Divisional Drugs Squad. She wished her well in her personal and professional life. Dt Garda McCarthy has returned to her duties.
Judge Boyle remanded Keohane in custody until May 18th for sentencing. He also pleaded guilty to obstructing a garda and unlawful possession of cannabis for the purpose of sale and supply.