Revenue seize 14.6 million cigarettes worth €12m in Dublin

Seizure part of ongoing operations targeting shadow economy and supply of illegal tobacco products, Revenue says

The seizure took place on Monday but Revenue officials are not releasing further details of the operation. Photograph: Revenue

Revenue officers have seized 14.6 million cigarettes in Dublin.

The illicit cigarettes, of various brands including Richmond and Marlboro, have a retail value of €12 million, representing a potential loss to the Exchequer of approximately €9.6 million.

The seizure took place on Monday but Revenue officials are not releasing further details of the operation, as investigations are ongoing.

Revenue said the seizure was part of ongoing operations targeting the shadow economy and the supply of illegal tobacco products.


Revenue said if businesses, or members of the public, have any information regarding smuggling, they can contact Revenue in confidence on 1800 295 295.

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Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist