Top 10: energy-saving tips

1 Unplug your phone charger - equipment on standby uses up to 20 per cent of the energy it uses when fully in use.

1Unplug your phone charger - equipment on standby uses up to 20 per cent of the energy it uses when fully in use.

2Walk or cycle instead of driving for short journeys - it costs nothing and is good for your health.

3Turn your heating down to a comfortable 20 degrees. Lowering your thermostat by one degree will knock 10 per cent off your heating bill.

4Buy A-rated kitchen appliances. They cost less to run and over time will lead to considerable savings on your electricity bill.


5Use compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) instead of traditional bulbs. They use 20 per cent of the energy and last up to 15 times longer.

6Wait until the dishwasher is full before you switch it on. A half-full wash uses the same energy as a full one.

7Switch off lights when you leave a room. Energy is wasted lighting unoccupied rooms.

8Don't overfill your kettle - only boil as much water as you need.

9Check your tyre pressure. A car with correctly inflated tyres is more fuel efficient.

10Avoid uessary electricity use between 5pm and 7pm and help reduce national CO2 emissions.

Information provided by Power of One (