The Waterproof Mobile Phone

Ever notice something suspicious about the background in those mobile phone adverts, the ones where all those gorgeous, laughing…

Ever notice something suspicious about the background in those mobile phone adverts, the ones where all those gorgeous, laughing, over-animated people cavort around the place as if they only work for a hobby? You did of course - the weather.

What's with the sunshine? you quip. Would they be so cool and witty if they were lepping about in the relentless drizzle, against a low, grey sky?

And more to the point, you say, a cruel but ironic smile on your lips, how would their fancy-ass little mobile phones with the fancy-coloured cover react when exposed to a little bit of the Irish elements?

Sadly, Nokia must pre-empt your contempt. The Finns have come up with the first waterproof mobile phone and are already busy marketing the thing as a truly rugged product.


The snappily-named Nokia 6250 has internal shock-absorbers, a cushioned circuit-board, waterproof membranes, and sealed covers. It is designed for aficionados of skiing, sailing, hiking and other hyperactive, outdoor types.

It comes with a built-in WAP (mobile Internet) browser, a task journal and an 11-day battery.

The Nokia 6250, price yet to be determined, will be available soon from mobile phone shops.