Web Log: Podcast challenges listeners to single-task

Infomagical offers tips on coping with the electronic buzz of modern life

Twitter feeds, viral memes, must-read long reads, Facebook threads, hypnotic GIFs. I'm getting stressed just listing these. Modern life has us reeling from TMI (too much information) while suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out). Infomagical is a new challenge from the Note To Self podcast series by New York public radio station WNYC.

Note to Self, hosted by Manoush Zomorodi explores what it is like to be human in a technologically-immersed world. Going one step further, Infomagical challenges the listener to single-task.

Bolstered by interviews with neuroscientists and cognitive experts, we’re told that multitasking is a myth. What is happening when we think we’re multitasking is the rapid and exhausting process of constant mental switching.

So, go on an Infomagical journey and learn to single-task, switch off all smartphone notifications, tidy your desktop and other tips for coping with the electronic buzz of modern life.