A round-up of today's other stories in brief...
Ingage with online marketing
Speakers from Yelp, Facebook, Boards.ie as well as a range of marketing professionals will speak at the one-day How 2.0 Market Your Business Online conference in Dublin next week.
The event will take place on March 29th in Chartered Accountant’s House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Aimed at business professionals rather than the tech-savvy, organisers Ingage say it is the first of a series of conferences planned for this year.
First Irish web sales survey under way
To address the lack of data available on Irish e-commerce sales, web developer StudioForty9 has launched the Irish E-Commerce Survey. Existing e-commerce businesses are asked to complete the survey on factors such as conversion rates, order rates and basket values which is available in other markets.
The survey will run online until April 1st and StudioForty9 have committed to publishing the results online by April 22nd. See: irishecommercesurvey.com
Award for criminal justice project
The Criminal Justice Interoperability Programme, a joint project between the Courts Service and the Garda, which co-ordinates data between the two bodies, has won the overall Ireland eGovernment Award.
Speaking at the awards Maeve Kneafsey, managing director of web marketing firm Elucidate, said: “All of us who work in the digital economy are looking forward to the long-awaited appointed of the Government internet CIO, one of whose tasks will be to eradicate any ‘silo mentality’ within various departments”.