Rubberband Shotgun

It's half three and you saunter back in from a late and somewhat liquid lunch

It's half three and you saunter back in from a late and somewhat liquid lunch. Good; no sign of the boss - ergo quiet, relaxed afternoon ahead. Maybe even an early escape.

But there's also no sign of your colleagues. And there's a deathly hush about the place. Is everyone at an emergency staff meeting? A split second too late you remember it's Friday afternoon and time for the weekly reenactment of Stalingrad.

Grainne from accounts pops up from behind the photocopier and prangs you smack in the chest with one of those thick brown elastic bands. The entire telesales team breaks cover from the other side of the water-cooler to fire salvo after salvo of smaller, blue and red bands at your groinal area. You go down.

Next week, you won't be caught, helpless - you'll have a Rubberband Shotgun in each hand. The gun's double-trigger action and 30 cm stretch make it more accurate than any finger.


The Rubberband Shotgun, two for £50 pounds sterling (€75), is available from

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