Stocktake: For investors, beauty isn’t just skin deep

Why we’re biased toward more attractive fund managers and chief executives

Retail investors are more likely to invest in funds run by attractive fund managers. So says a recent study, Is Beauty Skin Deep?, which collected photographs of managers and used an algorithm to rate their attractiveness.

Fund flows indicated investors “exhibit a bias for seemingly attractive mutual fund managers”, it noted.

It’s a somewhat odd result. After all, if you asked most investors the name of their fund manager or what they look like, they would likely respond: no idea.

Still, there’s no doubting that attractiveness pays. The study notes prior research showing attractive candidates fare better in elections; hiring managers call back attractive candidates more often; and companies run by more attractive chief executives enjoy larger stock-price reactions when they air positive news.


The conclusion: “Beauty is not just skin-deep; it is a sought-after attribute.”