Leading issues set to divide lobbyists

HOT on the heels of the news that Ruairi Quinn is not to receive any pre-Budget delegations from pesky lobbyists, comes tidings…

HOT on the heels of the news that Ruairi Quinn is not to receive any pre-Budget delegations from pesky lobbyists, comes tidings from across the water of Government discontent with the number of trade associations making representations. Richard Page, junior minister at the British Department of Trade and Industry, says he is tired of turning up for dinner to meet the "Frothblowers' Federation" and the like.

Trade associations should amalgamate and form larger and more powerful groupings, he believes. There might be the need for the same in Ireland. But the Margin can't see Brendan Butler of the Small Firms Association and Frank Mulcahy of ISME agreeing to come together just yet. After all, who would be boss?