Striking home for top bank

Internal code name for the bank’s new HQ is “Fusion”, as it brings together all of its staff

A computer-generated view of the exterior of the planned new Central Bank, which will be built on a Dublin docklands site once earmarked as a head office for the former Anglo Irish Bank

It's the little things that make a building truly fantastic. The Central Bank of Ireland's new €140 million eco-headquarters will be a striking addition to Dublin's skyline – even if it might strike some as a little too much for a country where many people struggle to pay their mortgages.

The internal code name for the bank’s new HQ is “Fusion”, as it brings together all of its city centre staff under one roof. Most viewers of the building are struck by its striking new aspect facing the Liffey, which is designed to reflect the water as well as naturally cool the interior.

As for the backside of the building facing towards the rest of the docks, here, to, are hidden pleasures. A high-level canopy runs across the back of the Central Bank, creating a shaded space. This combined with a grove of trees will create what is known in the landscaping biz as a “micro- climate.”

Along with the wellness centre, the restaurants, the exhibition space et al, the new Central Bank is really shaping up to be a top-drawer location. With the Central Bank still under the thumb of Frankfurt since the crash, truly this will be a building suitable for pleading with our German overlords for clemency when they come to visit.