Pod Entertainment placed in receivership

POD ENTERTAINMENT Ltd, the trading business behind the Pod, Tripod and Crawdaddy music venues in Dublin, has been placed in receivership…

POD ENTERTAINMENT Ltd, the trading business behind the Pod, Tripod and Crawdaddy music venues in Dublin, has been placed in receivership.

AIB appointed Aiden Murphy of accountancy firm Horwath Bastow Charleton as receiver over the company earlier this week.

The concert promotions business run by John Reynolds is unaffected by the move.

It is understood the company has outstanding debts of about €330,000 to AIB.


Mr Reynolds, the director of the company, and the Revenue are also creditors.

The move to appoint a receiver to the company comes after the music venues, located on Harcourt Street in Dublin, closed for business in February.

The building has since been leased to a consortium of investors, including Tom Anderson of the Ward Anderson cinema chain.

The consortium has plans to develop a venue at the site.

The Pod opened in 1993 on the site of the old Harcourt Street railway station.

It was one of the best-known nightclubs and live music venues in the country.

Mr Reynolds is also involved in the Market Bar and the Button Factory.

Neither of these are affected by the receivership.

Suzanne Lynch

Suzanne Lynch

Suzanne Lynch, a former Irish Times journalist, was Washington correspondent and, before that, Europe correspondent