March date for court challenge by O'Donnells

The challenge by property investors Brian and Mary Patricia O’Donnell to a decision by the High Court in London to refuse their…

Brian O'Donnell and his son Blake leave the High Court in London yesterday where they attended a bankruptcy hearing. photograph: will oliver

The challenge by property investors Brian and Mary Patricia O’Donnell to a decision by the High Court in London to refuse their application to be made bankrupt in Britain, rather than Ireland, has been postponed until early March.

Representing himself, Mr O’Donnell told Mr Justice Newey that he wanted to have his application – based upon new evidence which was not produced in the week-long hearing before Christmas – heard “as quickly as possible”.

Mr O’Donnell was accompanied by his son, Blake, while the Bank of Ireland was represented by Richard Fisher. Mr Fisher said it wanted to ensure that its barrister, Gabriel Moss QC, was available for the one-day hearing. Both sides agreed on March 5th after the judge said he was dealing with another trial for the next three weeks.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times