Airports get €6m boost

The State's six regional airports are to get a €6 million grant aid windfall to boost facilities and operations

The State's six regional airports are to get a €6 million grant aid windfall to boost facilities and operations. Barry O'Halloran reports.

The Minister for Transport, Mr Cullen, yesterday announced a round of funding for the airports under the National Development Plan (NDP).

The Government also revealed that it intends to begin tendering for a renewed public service obligation (PSO) contract to provide flights between Dublin and the regional centres.

Aer Arann currently holds the contract for five destinations, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Knock and Sligo, while a Scottish operator, Logan Air, holds the Dublin-Derry service contract.


Aer Arann confirmed yesterday that it intends bidding for PSO contracts.

The airports getting the funding are Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Knock, Sligo and Waterford. They will benefit from a total of €6.3 million in funding, with Knock taking the largest share at just over €2 million and Sligo getting the smallest amount, €180,000.

A Department statement said that funding for runway safety improvements at Sligo and increased navigational aids at Knock were under consideration.

If these proposals are approved for support, then the total regional airport aid package would increase to €12 million, the Minister said.

Mr Liam Scollan, chief executive of Knock International Airport, said that it intended to spend the cash on refurbishing its fire tender to bring it in line with Irish Aviation Authority's requirements, developing the runway's fireground and safety areas and apron resurfacing.

The airport intends spending €18.7 million over the next three years to meet the growth in demand. Last year passenger numbers increased by 51 per cent to 373,000.