Seven-storey apartment scheme for Glenageary gets permission

Redrock Glenageary’s plan for south Dublin suburb also includes a neighbourhood centre with commercial units

One local resident described the plan as 'a looming bulk of edifices higher than anything in the area and will tower over us'. Photograph: iStock

Keith Craddock’s Redrock Glenageary has secured permission for a seven-storey, 138-unit apartment scheme for Glenageary in south Dublin, despite local opposition.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council granted planning permission for the development after a 97-page planner’s report concluded that it “is not considered likely to adversely impact on the amenity of adjoining sites”.

The planner’s report found that the scheme was of “a high architectural quality” and would not result in undue overshadowing of neighbouring properties.

The report also acknowledged, however, that the scale and density of the scheme “is new to Sallynoggin and that no precedent for a similar scaled development has been permitted” within the area. The report concluded that the streetscape of Sallynoggin can accommodate taller buildings.


Mr Craddock’s Redrock application is a renewed attempt to build on the site at the junction of Sallynoggin Road and Glenageary Avenue after An Bord Pleanála in April 2022 refused planning permission to the company for a 147-unit build-to-rent Strategic Housing Development (SHD). That plan encountered strong local opposition.

The firm withdrew plans for a 140-unit apartment scheme at the same location last September and lodged its current Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) scheme on October 31st last.

The LRD process replaced the SHD structure at the end of 2021, restoring a two-stage planning process. This means local authorities make planning decisions, with An Bord Pleanála handling appeals.

Redrock’s new LRD scheme includes a neighbourhood centre that will contain commercial units, a public plaza and a childcare facility at the junction of Sallynoggin Road and Glenageary Avenue.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council received 26 submissions concerning the new proposal. In one, the Bellevue, Glenageary and Rochestown Residents Association told the council that it welcomes any and all proposals that will provide for a suitable and sustainable development of the site in question but “in this instance, we believe that this planning application will provide neither”.

Local resident Nicola Coleman told the council that “the height and scale of this development is excessive in the context of the site”. Ms Coleman said that the scheme’s failure “to take cognisance of the scale, height and proximity of neighbouring properties is a key concern”. She described it as “a looming bulk of edifices higher than anything in the area and will tower over us”.

Local resident Douglas Barry said that “architecturally, this will not be a statement building enhancing the built environment”. He described the plan as being more like a “stick out like a sore thumb” building.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times