Is corporate PR duping us and derailing solutions to global warming and chronic diseases?‘We need to go back to basics to organise ourselves in groups, to have clear political objectives and to demand change’Thu Apr 11 2024 - 06:00
Mothers with cystic fibrosis: ‘We’ve lives we never thought we could as no one thought we’d still be alive’The introduction of highly effective medicines has allowed some people to fulfil their desire to have childrenThu Apr 11 2024 - 05:31
Menopause: ‘We need to swing the pendulum to the middle and normalise it’ New series from the Lancet journal challenges recent trend to medicalize the experienceMon Apr 08 2024 - 05:01
Bray-Greystones cliff walk: ‘It’s a big attraction. We have got to get it reopened’Locals and visitors are frustrated the scenic walkway in Co Wicklow has been officially closed for more than two yearsSat Mar 30 2024 - 06:00
New horizons on maintaining brain health‘When the headsets come off, all prejudices fall away and we move beyond race, age and gender’Thu Mar 28 2024 - 06:00
Cerebral palsy: What is it, who gets it and what does the future hold? The symptoms of cerebral palsy vary from person to person. Many have related conditions including seizures, problems with vision, hearing or speechTue Mar 26 2024 - 06:01
‘I’ve changed. I can’t be fake any more. I can’t push my body too hard because my spirit won’t let me’A heartfelt theatrical exploration of Jenny MacDonald’s experience of surgery as a consequence of breast cancerSun Mar 17 2024 - 06:01
Seeking scientific evidence for the curative powers of Ireland’s holy wellsA study of more than 200 holy wells investigated the geological landscapes where the wells are found and the chemistry of water from the wellsThu Mar 14 2024 - 07:00
Rheumatoid arthritis: What is it, who gets it and what does the future hold?Treatment is becoming more targeted and personalised for those who suffer from pain and stiffness in the jointsTue Mar 12 2024 - 05:31
Understanding the links between psoriasis and psoriatic arthritisIrish patients sought for international study aiming to better understand the connections between the two conditionsTue Mar 12 2024 - 05:01
Irish social engagement project for older people wins European Civil Society prizeThe Third Age Foundation is hoping to expand the programme to other parts of IrelandThu Mar 07 2024 - 15:35
Loving our Irish bogs: ‘Once you conserve the habitat, the biodiversity will right itself’Primeval landscapes are being transformed into recreational spots with the duel benefits of restoring habitats and capturing carbonSat Feb 24 2024 - 06:00
Aim of next-generation biomaterials is to train human tissue to heal itself Researchers are working to develop implantable tissue to treat cartilage damage and osteoarthritisThu Feb 22 2024 - 07:00
‘We just want some space to hang out’: designing public areas with teenage girls in mindCampaign calls for more safe and sheltered areas for outdoor sociabilitySat Feb 17 2024 - 06:00
Students with long commutes: ‘It’s stressful and I feel tired but there is no alternative for me’Academics also speak about how students facing long commutes cannot attend evening talks as they rush to catch buses once their lectures are finishedSun Feb 11 2024 - 06:00
Measles Q&A: How do I know if I have measles, and what should I do if I have it? The disease is on the rise and the probability of an outbreak in Ireland is high due to lower uptake of MMR vaccineTue Feb 06 2024 - 19:19
‘I’d love if there was more understanding of rare diseases’I am Number 17 is a campaign to raise awareness and for early diagnosis for rare diseaseTue Feb 06 2024 - 05:31
In Bruges, step back in time in the Venice of the NorthThe striking medieval city of Bruges offers a contrastive experience to the much-visited southern cities of EuropeSun Feb 04 2024 - 05:00
Does sparkling water damage teeth? Is beetroot juice good for blood pressure? Do vapes damage our health? Debunking healthcare myths – researchers at University of Galway answer questions from the public about health claimsThu Feb 01 2024 - 06:01
Oral microbiome becoming prime focus of research over links to disease beyond the mouthKeeping your teeth and gums healthy could have far-reaching impacts reducing risks associated with diabetes, dementia, heart disease and some cancersThu Jan 25 2024 - 06:00
‘It’s filled with drinkers, not shoppers’: tensions flare over Malahide street pedestrianisation plan Many residents and retailers fear the council’s move will turn New Street into a ‘party’ area during summers, but some believe there are benefits to itFri Jan 19 2024 - 09:00
‘We want breastfeeding to be the easiest choice to make’Research aims to turn around Ireland’s low rates of breastfeeding by taking pressure off individual women and putting it on communities, workplaces and health workersWed Jan 17 2024 - 06:01
Instead of rushing into a diet, here are five simple rules for healthy eatingToo many diets yield temporary results. It is better to follow simple rules for healthy eating that suit you and your lifestyleTue Jan 16 2024 - 05:31
How do I know if I have Covid, flu, RSV or just a cold?Some symptoms demand you seek urgent medical careSun Jan 14 2024 - 06:01
Planned trail up the Great Sugar Loaf aims to stop erosion along busy hillwalking route Environmental damage leads to new plans to upgrade walking path up popular Wicklow mountain that offers stunning views of Dublin and the Irish SeaSat Jan 13 2024 - 05:30
COPD: What is it, who gets it and what does the future hold?It is estimated that over 380,000 people in Ireland suffer from COPD, yet only about 110,000 are diagnosed with itMon Jan 08 2024 - 06:01
Loneliness and the elderly: ‘The deafening sound of silence’The Christmas Campaign of Friends of the Elderly wants people to phone older relatives and friends over the festive period. Loneliness can have harmful physiological effectsTue Dec 12 2023 - 05:31
How an Irish ‘virtual food bank’ is redistributing surplus food sustainably in EuropeSocial enterprise FoodCloud’s app is used to redistribute one million meals weekly and it will soon expand into KenyaThu Dec 07 2023 - 12:33
‘I just dropped to the ground. I was clinically dead for three to four minutes’Marathon runner Paul Nolan had a heart attack while training last December. Now, following his recovery from surgery, he’s keen to encourage men to have annual medical check-upsMon Dec 04 2023 - 05:31
Have yourself a more mindful little Christmas: 32 ideas for a thoughtful, environmentally-friendly (and cheaper!) festive seasonYour guide to gifting, shopping, socialising and minding yourself over the weeks aheadSat Dec 02 2023 - 06:00
Improve your social microbiome: ‘Live with other people, live in a rural environment and have a dog’Microorganisms help us digest our food, train the immune system and support all body systemsThu Nov 30 2023 - 05:31
Parkinson’s disease: What is it, who gets it and what does the future hold? Primarily a movement disorder, the main initial symptoms of Parkinson's disease are tremors and the condition comes with several variationsTue Nov 28 2023 - 05:31
‘Most students have no connection to working farms. It’s good to understand where food comes from’A new initiative is connecting farmers with schools to help boost understanding about food productionTue Nov 28 2023 - 05:00
Transforming office canteens into restaurants: ‘I’d nearly come into work because the food is so good’Feeding Office Workers: How some chefs and catering companies are putting nutrition and sustainability centre stage in their menus at corporate restaurantsTue Nov 21 2023 - 06:01
Navigating Your Hormones: ‘It’s so important to educate and empower women with open conversations’Experts will speak at an educational event on hormonal health for women in the Johnstown Estate Hotel on SundayFri Nov 17 2023 - 15:01
How an enthusiastic group of chefs are reducing food waste in their kitchensFood waste is a pernicious problem that often gets left out of the big debates on how to solve our environmental crisisFri Nov 17 2023 - 08:30
Diabetes: What is it and what does the future hold as treatments improve?There are approximately 300,000 people with diabetes in Ireland, and it is estimated that one in 10 adults in Ireland aged 50 and over has type 2 diabetesThu Nov 16 2023 - 06:01
‘The reason pancreatic cancer isn’t talked about so much is because there are very few survivors to advocate for it’Ahead of World Pancreatic Cancer Day on November 16th, Niall Rochford is focused on increasing awareness of signs and symptoms of what is known as the silent killerWed Nov 15 2023 - 05:31
Hard surfaces, empty spaces and litigation: the problem with Irish schoolyardsChildren are increasingly unable to run, hide and climb at break time for health and safety reasons – but some schools are taking a different approachTue Nov 14 2023 - 00:01
Is the future bio-based? ‘It’s a shock for people to see how many things in our homes are fossil fuel-based’Petrochemicals are in cleaning agents, paints, cosmetics, pillows, acrylic worktops and much of our clothing and footwear. But change is comingTue Nov 07 2023 - 13:25
‘There is definitely more anxiety in teenage girls’: Meeting the mental health challenge in schoolSchools are experimenting with ways to ease the stress students are facing – not only from the pandemic, but from life itselfTue Nov 07 2023 - 06:00
Epilepsy: What is it and what does the future hold as treatments improve?Specialists explain the causes, treatments and outlook for a condition that affects about 45,000 people in IrelandMon Nov 06 2023 - 05:31
Halloween safety tips for pets: How can I keep my dog calm and happy during fireworks?Dogs commonly find the sound of fireworks terrifying because of their highly sensitive hearing, but there are ways to make the experience more bearable for themSat Oct 28 2023 - 06:00
Rivers trusts are the champions of Ireland’s inland waterwaysThese water heritage groups are working with farmers, foresters, state agencies and communities to improve rivers, streams and lakes, writes Sylvia ThompsonFri Oct 27 2023 - 05:00
Brain tumour aftermath: ‘I was in complete shock for a whole year as one thing after another happened to me’Clare O’Connor talks about being diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme, and how her illness has changed her life and those of her loved onesMon Oct 23 2023 - 06:01
Cold therapy: ‘There is a sense of adventure about the cold but the breath is the secret weapon’Níall Ó Murchú, who grew up swimming in the sea in Portmarnock, explains the many mental and physical benefit of cold water therapySun Oct 22 2023 - 06:01
Would you join a parents’ group to mind each other’s children for free?A group of parents with young children have come together to set up Care Shared, an informal childcare exchange networkThu Oct 19 2023 - 06:01
Heart disease: What is it - and what does the future hold with improving treatments?Early diagnosis and treatment are keys to survival of heart disease, but prevention is the best approach of allThu Oct 12 2023 - 05:31
Five ways to protect yourself from indoor and outdoor air pollutionThe Environmental Protection Agency believes air quality in Ireland is generally good but warns of dangers in certain zonesSat Sept 30 2023 - 06:00
Ireland’s newest National Park announced for Co MeathState purchases 223 hectare property on Dowth demesneFri Sept 29 2023 - 11:22