Is Ireland now on the brink of a political earthquake?OPINION: Yesterday’s votes will shake up representation at local and European levels. But who will lose and who will gain?Sat Jun 06 2009 - 01:00
Decision day for voters in local, European and byelectionsMORE THAN three million people are entitled to vote today in elections for the European Parliament and the country’s 34 county…Fri Jun 05 2009 - 01:00
Fine Gael forecasts revolution in politicsFF could lose largest party tag for first time since 1932Fri Jun 05 2009 - 01:00
Voters to receive two or three ballot slipsAT THE POLLS: VOTERS WILL be presented with at least two and sometimes three ballot papers when they go to the polls to vote…Thu Jun 04 2009 - 01:00
Latest exchequer figures 'encouraging', says TaoiseachGOING INTO the final stages of the election campaign, Taoiseach Brian Cowen has described the latest exchequer figures as “encouraging…Thu Jun 04 2009 - 01:00
Kenny rules out pre-election pactFINE GAEL CAMPAIGN: FINE GAEL leader Enda Kenny has ruled out a pre-election pact with any other party in advance of the next…Thu Jun 04 2009 - 01:00
People need message of hope, says GilmorePOLICY LAUNCH: THE IRISH people need to hear a message of hope from their political leaders rather than continuing doom and …Wed Jun 03 2009 - 01:00
Higgins could squeeze out two incumbentsANALYSIS: EU ELECTIONS: DUBLIN: The Socialist candidate has made a close race for the final seat all the more interestingWed Jun 03 2009 - 01:00
Kenny again dismisses SF approachFine Gael leader Enda Kenny has ruled out a pre-election pact with any other party in advance of the next election and has again…Wed Jun 03 2009 - 01:00
Gilmore launches economy planLabour Party leader, Eamon Gilmore said today that people needed to hear a message of message of hope about the economy from …Tue Jun 02 2009 - 01:00
Support for Lisbon Treaty increases to 54%SUPPORT FOR the Lisbon Treaty has hardened over the past two weeks, according to the Irish Times /TNS mrbi poll which shows the…Mon Jun 01 2009 - 01:00
Ganley's Euro hopes fade but Joe Higgins enters reckoningA FIERCE contest is developing for the third European Parliament seat in Dublin with Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party now in…Sat May 30 2009 - 01:00
Poll suggests tight Dublin contestA fierce contest is developing for the third European Parliament seat in Dublin with Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party now in…Sat May 30 2009 - 01:00
Fierce battle for European seatA fierce battle is underway for the last European Parliament seat in Dublin with Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party now in the…Fri May 29 2009 - 01:00
No recovery for Fianna Fáil as party drops further point in pollTHERE HAS been no swing back to Fianna Fáil in the course of the European and local election campaign, according to the latest…Fri May 29 2009 - 01:00
FF set for new election lowThere has been no swing back to Fianna Fáil in the course of the European and local election campaign, according to the latest…Thu May 28 2009 - 01:00
Statements contradict claim, says RabbitteINDEMNITY DEAL: A CLAIM by former minister for education Michael Woods that the attorney general was “never out of the loop” …Thu May 28 2009 - 01:00
Burton defends Gilmore over FF's Nama claimLABOUR PARTY spokeswoman, Joan Burton, has denied a claim by Fianna Fáil that her party leader, Eamon Gilmore, does not understand…Fri May 22 2009 - 01:00
Ignorance on Nama damaging, says DempseyLABOUR LEADER Eamon Gilmore has been accused by Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey of damaging the country through his “ignorance…Thu May 21 2009 - 01:00
O'Reilly defends FG 'Christian values'NORTH-WEST RACE: LIBERTAS LEADER Declan Ganley has been accused by his Fine Gael opponent in the North-West constituency Senator…Wed May 20 2009 - 01:00
No vote would be reckless - MartinLISBON TREATY: THOSE URGING a rejection of the Lisbon Treaty for a second time are being reckless with the State’s future, Minister…Wed May 20 2009 - 01:00
Support for Yes vote on Lisbon continues to growSUPPORT FOR the Lisbon Treaty has continued to harden over the past three months with a marginal increase in the numbers intending…Mon May 18 2009 - 01:00
52% would now vote Yes on Lisbon TreatySUPPORT FOR the Lisbon Treaty has consolidated over the past three months, despite the Government’s increasing unpopularity, …Mon May 18 2009 - 01:00
Poll shows 52% back LisbonSupport for the Lisbon Treaty has consolidated over the past three months, despite the Government¿s increasing unpopularity, …Mon May 18 2009 - 01:00
Poll shows increased support for Lisbon treatySupport for the Lisbon Treaty has grown over the past three months, despite the increasing unpopularity of the Government, according…Sun May 17 2009 - 01:00
Fianna Fáil set to retain three of its four Euro seatsFIANNA FÁIL is set to hold at least three of its four seats in the European Parliament, despite the slump in the party vote, …Sat May 16 2009 - 01:00
FF fighting hard and not expecting bad election result, says CowenMANIFESTO LAUNCH: FIANNA FÁIL is fighting hard for every seat in the elections on June 5th and is not anticipating a bad result…Fri May 15 2009 - 01:00
Surge in support for Fine Gael as Coalition hits record lowFINE GAEL has taken a massive lead over Fianna Fáil, according to the latest Irish Times/TNS mrbi poll, which shows the main …Fri May 15 2009 - 01:00
Fianna Fáil in danger of losing European seat - pollFianna Fáil is set to hold at least three of its four seats in the European Parliament, despite the slump in the party vote, …Fri May 15 2009 - 01:00
Two Libertas candidates have relatives on substitute listsNOMINATIONS: TWO OF the three Libertas candidates in the European election have named relatives on their replacement lists.Thu May 14 2009 - 01:00
Fianna Fáil 'fighting hard for every seat' says CowenFianna Fáil is fighting hard for every seat the elections on June 5th and is not anticipating a bad result, Taoiseach Brian Cowen…Thu May 14 2009 - 01:00
Support for Fine Gael at highest level for 25 yearsFine Gael has romped into a massive lead over Fianna Fáil according to the latest Irish Times /TNS mrbi poll which shows the …Thu May 14 2009 - 01:00
Opposition divided over nationalising the banksTHE MAIN Opposition parties, Fine Gael and Labour, have taken diametrically opposing views on whether the major Irish banks should…Wed May 13 2009 - 01:00
Elected mayor for Dublin next year, says GormleyDUBLIN WILL have a directly elected mayor next year for the first time since the foundation of the State, Minister for the Environment…Wed May 13 2009 - 01:00
Bill designed to protect jobs, says LenihanPOLITICAL REACTION: ANNOUNCING THE details of the Finance Bill to give effect to last month’s emergency budget, Minister for…Fri May 08 2009 - 01:00
Ryan says Green voters need not transfer to Fianna FáilTHE GREEN Party has moved to distance themselves from their Fianna Fáil Coalition partners by refusing to call on their supporters…Thu May 07 2009 - 01:00
Greens 'need not transfer to FF'The Green Party has this morning repeated that its supporters should transfer their votes as they see fit in the upcoming elections…Thu May 07 2009 - 01:00
Lee has no faith in Government to cure financial illsANNOUNCEMENT: FINE GAEL’S newly unveiled Dublin South byelection candidate, George Lee, has said he is entering politics because…Wed May 06 2009 - 01:00
Exchequer deficit widens to €7.3bnTHE LATEST exchequer figures show a deficit of €7Wed May 06 2009 - 01:00
RTÉ told an hour before declarationRTÉ EXECUTIVES were told of George Lee’s decision to run for election late yesterday morning just an hour before he went on radio…Wed May 06 2009 - 01:00
Lisbon poll to be held in autumn, says RocheTHE SECOND referendum on the Lisbon Treaty will be held in the autumn, Minister for European Affairs Dick Roche said yesterday…Tue May 05 2009 - 01:00
Speculation George Lee will be FG byelection candidateRTÉ’S ECONOMICS editor, George Lee, was last night at the centre of speculation that he will be unveiled by Fine Gael as its …Tue May 05 2009 - 01:00
Deferral of decentralisation shows shocking waste of project, says BurtonTHE DISCLOSURE of Government plans to defer the decentralisation of over 5,000 public servants highlights the shocking waste …Tue May 05 2009 - 01:00
George Lee to run for Fine GaelRTÉ’s economics editor, George Lee, has put his name forward as a candidate for Fine Gael in the Dublin South byelection.Tue May 05 2009 - 01:00
5,000 public servants stay put as decentralisation is unlikelyLATEST OFFICIAL figures show that plans to decentralise over 5,000 public servants have been deferred, while just 2,500 people…Mon May 04 2009 - 01:00
Kenny appeals for support in European electionsFINE GAEL leader Enda Kenny has appealed to the Irish electorate to vote for his party’s candidates in the European elections…Mon May 04 2009 - 01:00
Cowen's errors and bad luck are the stuff of nightmareINSIDE POLITICS: BRIAN COWEN’S first year in office has been a nightmareSat May 02 2009 - 01:00
Opposition ire mounts as jobless figures double in yearA DOUBLING in unemployment over the past year to 388,600 has triggered renewed Opposition attacks on the Government.Thu Apr 30 2009 - 01:00
Harney sympathises on death of former PD Pearse WyseMINISTER FOR Health Mary Harney has expressed her deep sorrow on hearing of the death of former colleague Pearse Wyse, who was…Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
TDs asked to respond to plan to cut pensionTDs IN receipt of ministerial pensions have been asked to respond by Friday to the Government’s proposal that the payments should…Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00