Government unveils five-year tax reduction planUp to €1.5bn set to be available for tax cuts and tangible improvement in public servicesWed Apr 29 2015 - 01:00
Coalition uses spring statment to set the agendaStatement a tactic designed to frame the debate on the economyWed Apr 29 2015 - 01:00
FF ardfheis told Coalition making recovery as unfair as possibleMicheál Martin’s keynote speech proposes cut in USC and attacks SF’s take on 1916Sun Apr 26 2015 - 10:10
Stephen Collins: Two main parties battle over Siteserv and banking inquiryFor Micheál Martin the Siteserv controversy comes at a good time, as he heads into Fianna Fáil ard fheisSat Apr 25 2015 - 11:27
Siteserv: No ‘evidence of wrongdoing’ behind inquiryNoonan review to examine all IBRC deals which lost State €10 millionFri Apr 24 2015 - 10:13
Government to investigate sale of Anglo assetsMove comes after controversy over sale of Siteserv to company owned by Denis O’BrienThu Apr 23 2015 - 22:32
Canadian official to supervise Irish lobbyistsSipo welcomes appointment as registration system due to launch next weekThu Apr 23 2015 - 18:24
War memorial books recall Irish soldiers in Gallipoli campaignConservation work completed on memorial records, illustrated by Harry ClarkeThu Apr 23 2015 - 01:00
Stephen Collins: Labour win in UK elections is preferable from Irish perspectiveSNP’s role in forming new government echoes that of Irish Party in 1910 electionSat Apr 18 2015 - 01:00
Seanad reform plan would give election vote to all Irish citizensThirty of 60 seats should be elected by universal suffrage, working group urgesTue Apr 14 2015 - 01:00
Proposals will transform Upper House if will to implement them existsKey element would allow citizens in North and abroad to vote in electionTue Apr 14 2015 - 01:00
Report says emigrants ‘should get Seanad vote’Radical reform of Upper House would include extending franchise to NI residentsMon Apr 13 2015 - 10:58
New report believed to recommend radical reform of SeanadExpert group report expected to recommend new criteria for operation of panel systemFri Apr 10 2015 - 01:00
Stephen Collins: 1916 Rising commemorations won’t please everybodyPlan acknowledges British army and police casualties worthy of remembranceSat Apr 04 2015 - 08:31
Central Bank briefs Michael Noonan on research into mortgage ratesDepartment of Finance says Patrick Honohan gave update on work being done on variable bank ratesThu Apr 02 2015 - 21:43
Banks face growing pressure to cut home loan ratesNoonan to ask Honohan to seek action from lenders on variable rate mortgagesThu Apr 02 2015 - 08:36
Former ECB chief Trichet to engage with banking inquiryThe nexus phase of inquiry hearings will include 64 public hearings and at least 50 witnessesWed Apr 01 2015 - 20:17
Easter Rising events programme should calm Government criticsAnalysis: Comprehensive centenary plans should defuse complaint 1916 not marked with gravitasWed Apr 01 2015 - 08:06
Latest Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll points to jobs as core issueVoters focus on the economy with creation of employment outstripping all other issuesMon Mar 30 2015 - 01:00
Majority of voters against sale of State share in Aer LingusOver 50% of respondents oppose disposal, with half of FG voters resistant to saleMon Mar 30 2015 - 01:00
Minister favours keeping Six Nations on free-to-air TVAlex White considering adding home rugby matches to list that includes GAA finalsSun Mar 29 2015 - 17:05
Stephen Collins: While FG gets a bounce, FF’s downward trend alarms TDs‘Some indication of how opinion polls translate into seats on the ground will emerge from the outcome of the Carlow Kilkenny byelection on May 22nd’Sat Mar 28 2015 - 04:00
Large number of voters believe new party needed, poll indicatesThirty-five per cent of ‘Irish Times’/Ipsos MRBI poll respondents find Renua appealingSat Mar 28 2015 - 01:00
Poll finds drop in support for same-sex marriageIrish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll shows proposal on presidential age change facing rejectionFri Mar 27 2015 - 01:00
Poll shows same-sex marriage referendum could be closeIrish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll shows Yes side has clear lead which will dwindle in actual voteFri Mar 27 2015 - 01:00
FG gets boost as Dublin support is back to old levelsMeasure of comfort for all parties in poll - except for Fianna Fáil and Micheál MartinThu Mar 26 2015 - 03:00
Fine Gael support bounces back after 12-year low in last pollIrish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll: SF up and backing for Adams unchanged despite scandalsThu Mar 26 2015 - 03:00
Reform of asylum system approved by GovernmentCabinet backs Bill designed to streamline lengthy and expensive procedureTue Mar 24 2015 - 21:48
British royal expected to attend 1916 centenary eventMinister Charlie Flanagan stresses international dimension of commemorationsMon Mar 23 2015 - 01:00
Independents join forces to launch national movementFinian McGrath and Shane Ross to lead new alliance in bid to enter governmentMon Mar 23 2015 - 01:00
Stephen Collins: Why Ireland shouldn’t push for loosening of Europe’s budget rules‘If France does not swallow the kind of tough medicine taken by smaller countries there is a danger its economy will slide over the edge’Sat Mar 21 2015 - 02:00
Peter Sutherland: EU must do more to save migrant livesOnly nine naval vessels and two aircraft on duty in Mediterranean, says ex-commissionerFri Mar 20 2015 - 07:22
Ireland lacks solidarity with EU on defence, says SutherlandOther neutral EU states have acknowledged obligation to help partners who are invadedTue Mar 17 2015 - 01:00
Stephen Collins: Sinn Féin casts a dark shadow over Irish democracyThe implications of Sinn Féin achieving power in this State need greater scrutinySat Mar 14 2015 - 03:00
No going back to boom and bust, says KennyTaoiseach vows to cut taxes while driving ‘steady growth’ in line with five-year planMon Mar 09 2015 - 01:00
Stephen Collins: Sinn Féin ardfheis aware election could dramatically change Irish politicsAt all times the party emphasises its united Ireland missionSat Mar 07 2015 - 05:10
Fears of creating ‘online Lotto junkies’ raised by senatorPaul Coghlan also says interruption in services could drive people to online gamblingWed Mar 04 2015 - 17:56
Stephen Collins: Labour Party must now fight for its survival‘Delegates attending the Labour Party conference in Killarney this weekend are under no illusions about the scale of the task they face’Sat Feb 28 2015 - 09:56
Childcare funding to be focus of James Reilly groupBody to provide blueprint to end ad-hoc finance arrangements for childrenWed Feb 25 2015 - 01:00
Donohoe asks IAG to improve commitments in Aer Lingus bidMinister says Government ‘remains open’ to considering revised proposalTue Feb 24 2015 - 14:40
Delegation finds 12 cross-Border diesel laundering ‘fronts’British-Irish parliamentary body to express alarm at scale of practice along BorderMon Feb 23 2015 - 07:05
Fine Gael ties fortunes to Labour as they prepare for electionEnda Kenny and Ministers said Coalition would offer political stability and growthMon Feb 23 2015 - 06:58
Kenny appeals for Yes to same sex marriage“It’s about your right to say two small words ... I Do,” Taoiseach saysSun Feb 22 2015 - 13:18
FG Ardfheis: Noonan vows not to ‘load higher taxes’ on workersIreland well positioned to benefit from any any euro zone pick-up, says MinisterSat Feb 21 2015 - 14:29
Stephen Collins: Can Enda Kenny’s success story win him a second term in office?The decision by Fine Gael to hold its conference in the Taoiseach’s home patch in Castlebar shows just how tightly fought every seat is going to beSat Feb 21 2015 - 00:04
Enda Kenny calls abuse of President by anti-water charge protesters disgracefulExtra security will be provided if required says TaoiseachWed Feb 18 2015 - 22:02
Family law Bill hailed as ‘major step’Guardianship and adoption widened to various family types including same-sex couplesWed Feb 18 2015 - 01:00
Bill will recognise and protect diverse family unitsCross-party support for Bill although some concern at what is seen as an attempt to rush it through too quicklyWed Feb 18 2015 - 00:02
Biteback time: Simon Harris v Eamon Dunphy, Alan Kelly v Peter McVerryStephen Collins: ‘The Coalition parties have clearly decided to be much more robust in their response to attacks from political opponents and media critics’Sun Feb 15 2015 - 09:00
List of the Week: 10 politicians who have been arrestedPaul Murphy’s arrest generated plenty of publicity, but there have been many othersSat Feb 14 2015 - 06:30