Pilita Clark: Why smoking at home may be a sackable offenceMany companies now adopt a ‘no nicotine users’ hiring policy, but is this fair?Mon Sept 13 2021 - 05:48
It is bonkers to use an algorithm to hire a personPilita Clark: The tale of one boss who thought Uber ratings were the answer is instructiveMon Sept 06 2021 - 06:00
Business travel will not recover any time soon, but so what?Covid has exposed a great unspoken truth: a lot of trips had nothing to do with businessMon Aug 09 2021 - 05:04
Pilita Clark: The rush to forget Covid needs to slow downWill the benefits that came from the pandemic crumble as it eases?Mon Aug 02 2021 - 05:36
Employee data can be used for good, but treat it with carePilita Clark: It hard not to be suspicious about how information from ‘digital wearables’ will be usedMon Jul 26 2021 - 04:55
Pilita Clark: Mediocre workers have nowhere to hide at homeRemote working makes it easier to identify those contributing lessMon Jul 19 2021 - 07:44
Pilita Clark: The handshake is back and it’s causing etiquette chaosDivergent views mean an awkward mix of shakers, bumpers and fist-knockersMon Jul 12 2021 - 06:38
The future of work is already here and it is seriously hotNorth America’s deadly heatwave last week a wake-up call for workers and bosses alikeMon Jul 05 2021 - 05:44
Smart employers know there’s no going back to the way it wasPilita Clark: Hard to know precisely what is causing the ‘Great Resignation’Mon Jun 28 2021 - 06:00
Pilita Clark: Lists of top bosses fine, but what about worst 50?Employees and customers could benefit from knowing more about least impressive chiefsMon Jun 21 2021 - 05:15
Pull the plug on pointless after-hours emailsThe right to switch off is needed more than ever amid a burnout epidemicMon Jun 14 2021 - 05:00
Pilita Clark: I don’t want to ditch the slippers and head to the officeSome organisations may have to plunge into largely uncharted waters of hybrid workingMon Jun 07 2021 - 07:00
Where have all the workers gone and will they ever come back?Staff shortage is forcing offers of incentives that would have seemed ludicrous last yearMon May 31 2021 - 05:23
You’ll never guess where I’m working from now!As hybrid working evolves, offices of the near future could be in a museum or leisure venueMon May 24 2021 - 05:01
Rush to net zero looks like a looming car crashPilita Clark: All new oil, gas and coal projects and exploration must stop if global warming is to stay below 1.5CTue May 18 2021 - 17:17
Empty offices on Mondays and Fridays spell trouble for businessesPilita Clark: In Australia the spread of hybrid work is leading to fears for the future of city centresMon May 17 2021 - 05:40
Don’t mind the productivity gurus, stay in bed as long as you likeStructural changes not motivational quotes are needed before we go back to the officeMon May 10 2021 - 06:00
The loneliness of the modern office team memberStudies show many workers felt isolated by the way their work in teams was organisedMon May 03 2021 - 05:40
Sick of Zoom? Lucky you don’t need it to save the planetUN climate meetings last week showed difficulties and downsides of running events onlineMon Apr 26 2021 - 05:15
Get ready for the new politics of resentment in the officePilita Clark: A serious threat to office harmony is the deep gulf between those who have and have not been on furlough schemesMon Apr 19 2021 - 05:22
Why so many parliaments are awful places for women to work inSpotlight on Washington and Canberra amid new sexual misconduct allegationsMon Apr 12 2021 - 07:48
Covid has upended the out-of-office email. Hooray!The humble auto-reply has come into its own now that time off really has to mean time offMon Apr 05 2021 - 05:50
The mortifying reason we will never give up office jargonPilita Clark: We like to use it to show off, especially when we feel insecureMon Mar 29 2021 - 05:28
Pilita Clark: What the oddly uplifting Covid jab says about business lifeCompanies should try to replicate the volunteers’ sense of purpose and goodwillMon Mar 22 2021 - 06:49
The post-vaccine world will present its own problems for office workersPilita Clark: In an Israeli catering firm the unvaccinated have to take their packed lunch outsideMon Mar 15 2021 - 06:00
Pilita Clark: The scourge of work email is far worse than you thinkRevolutionary fix needed to address the tyranny of the bloated inboxMon Mar 01 2021 - 05:39
Pilita Clark: Toxic offices don’t change when they go virtualOne common complaint comes from people who belatedly discover they have not been invited to big online work meetingsMon Feb 22 2021 - 06:54
Think that working from home is here to stay? Think againPilita Clark: Research shows people at home are forgotten while office workers accumulate ‘managerial capital’Mon Feb 15 2021 - 06:51
Women aren’t all superstar leaders in a crisis. So what?Female leaders should have the freedom to be as mediocre as any manMon Feb 08 2021 - 05:39
Pilita Clark: Too many boardrooms are climate incompetentBoards talk the talk on climate and social inequality but don’t actMon Feb 01 2021 - 05:17
Family businesses are welcome winners in the pandemicPilita Clark: They embody the best of corporate behaviour by thinking long termMon Jan 25 2021 - 05:47
Covid-19 vaccines will not get us back in the office any time soonPilita Clark: How can employers entice hesitant employees to get the jab?Mon Jan 18 2021 - 05:23
Pilita Clark: Workers shirking are more than just a nuisanceLong resented, the workplace minimalist now raises risk of burnout for colleaguesMon Jan 11 2021 - 06:25
Pilita Clark: Why some firms have survived coronavirusCompanies have transformed themselves, while others have failed make the cutMon Dec 21 2020 - 05:15
Pilita Clark: Do not knock virtual Christmas parties until you try one‘There was widespread agreement that not having to rush for the Tube was an advantage’Mon Dec 14 2020 - 04:48
When we do go back to the office, what should that office look like?Pilita Clark: A hybrid way of working could end much of what was hopeless in open-plan officesMon Dec 07 2020 - 06:17
Pilita Clark: Managing ‘meeting monsters’ to get work doneEvidence suggests meetings are not helping busy people make good decisions about important stuffMon Nov 30 2020 - 07:47
Being polite in work emails is more important than everPilita Clark: 2020 has upped the value of the polite, swift and considerate emailMon Nov 23 2020 - 05:12
Pilita Clark: Time we had a TripAdvisor for investmentIf only we could compare green investments online as easily as hotels and flightsMon Nov 16 2020 - 05:03
Boris Johnson needs an Australian-style Covid crackdown planAustralia’s special power may be, as Johnson might say, its nanny-statismMon Nov 09 2020 - 05:50
Dear older people, could you please slow the hell down?From politics to business and beyond, evergreen elders are setting the bar far too highMon Nov 02 2020 - 05:15
Hurrah for the companies giving staff more time offPilita Clark: The average working week has lengthened since home became our officeMon Oct 26 2020 - 05:00
Covid-19 has shown that much of ‘normal’ life should have been binned years agoPilita Clark: Some of the attempts at recreating normality amid pandemic are shockingMon Oct 19 2020 - 05:00
Why jokes among colleagues are needed now more than everThe pandemic has stolen a basic ingredient from everyday working life: humourMon Oct 12 2020 - 05:30
The hard business lessons Covid is about to teachPilita Clark: Will we ever go back to paying gyms and hair salons a lot of money now we have discovered other ways?Mon Oct 05 2020 - 07:30
Pilita Clark: Hard business lessons Covid is about to teachWill we ever return to paying gyms and hair salons now we have discovered other ways?Mon Oct 05 2020 - 05:44
Pilita Clark: The looming legal minefield of working from homeWhat an employer can and cannot require of staff has suddenly become much more complicatedMon Sept 28 2020 - 05:00
Pilita Clark: Companies should consider having a head of remote workingMost leaders will go back to the office. Over time everyone will know that to get ahead you should be in the officeMon Sept 21 2020 - 05:15
Statements about corporate values are so often full of guffLofty ideals can sound great on paper, but too many struggle to match realityMon Sept 14 2020 - 05:00
Pilita Clark: Smart ways to handle remote work, and dumb ones‘We don’t think productivity is a big problem, but a sense of belonging is’Mon Sept 07 2020 - 05:25