Old nationalisms once more entrench NIIT IS depressing to return from holidays to an Ireland which has gone through such a thorough reversion to primordial identity…Sat Aug 03 1996 - 01:00
US is cautioned on recent laws affecting Cuba, Iran and LibyaTHE Middle East, Russia and former Yugoslavia dominated the foreign policy conclusions of the councilMon Jun 24 1996 - 01:00
Ireland and Italy have a shared interest in joining an inner coreIRELAND follows Italy as president of the European Union by an alphabetical accidentSat Jun 22 1996 - 01:00
Steering Finland in from the coldTHE President of Finland, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, today begins a three day state visit to IrelandTue May 14 1996 - 01:00
Redefining security in terms of social cohesionSWEDISH troops in ex Yugoslavia have been serving under the command of Nato officers, along, with other troops from the Nordic…Thu May 09 1996 - 01:00
Ironies abound as the politics of beef and rugby reveal crisesTHE POLITICS of identity loom large in the contemporary world as individuals, groups and nationalities come to terms with the…Sat Apr 20 1996 - 01:00
Trying to find a new role in emergent security conditionsWill we have British troops back in the Curragh, the French off Bantry Bay, the Germans off Banna Strand, the Spanish in Kinsale…Sat Mar 30 1996 - 00:00
Attempt to stimulate more public debateTHE White Paper sets out to make Irish foreign policy more comprehensible for the general public by putting it in a wider setting…Wed Mar 27 1996 - 00:00
A document that scores well on all countsIT IS helpful to evaluate the White Paper under five headings comprehensiveness, context, coherence, consistency and comprehensibility…Wed Mar 27 1996 - 00:00
When the power games follow the wealth gamesTaiwan is a part of China and not a protectorate of the United States.Sat Mar 16 1996 - 00:00
A disturbing absence of consensus as the IGC approachesEFFECTIVE political discourse is made possible by a common language and vocabulary shared among its participantsSat Mar 09 1996 - 00:00
Kohl forges ahead with integration agendaTHE German Chancellor, Dr Helmut Kohl, certainly upped the ante in Anglo German relations with this remark at the University …Sat Feb 10 1996 - 00:00
Chirac faces major bridge building exerciseFRANCE'S enigmatic position on security and defence issues under President Chirac has been clarified in recent weeks, culminating…Sat Feb 03 1996 - 00:00
Criteria for EMU under threat from slowdown in growthTHIS week the former EU Commission president, Mr Jacques Delors, joined the ranks of the Euro pessimistsSat Jan 27 1996 - 00:00