What the UK needs to do if it wants to delay BrexitAnalysis: An extension is possible with the agreement of all 28 member statesWed Dec 12 2018 - 18:29
EU willing to give May assurances backstop not intended as permanentJuncker says there is ‘no room whatsoever’ for renegotiation of the withdrawal treatyWed Dec 12 2018 - 00:32
EU leaders tell May there will be no Brexit renegotiationBest UK prime minister can hope for is help to ‘clarify’ aspects of her Brexit dealTue Dec 11 2018 - 19:05
What can the EU offer May to save her Brexit deal?Analysis: Clear explanation of role of arbitrators could answer ‘hostage’ fears of some of May’s criticsTue Dec 11 2018 - 11:32
Backstop dissenters remain stubbornly impervious to logicCan the EU come up with a clarification in language more palatable to May et al?Mon Dec 10 2018 - 19:12
Jews report rise in anti-Semitism in last half-decadeSurvey finds perception of anti-Jewishness in social media, public, media and politicsMon Dec 10 2018 - 19:07
Eamon Gilmore nominated to lead EU human rights advocacySimon Coveney proposes former Labour Party leader for Brussels-based postMon Dec 10 2018 - 13:43
Brexit withdrawal treaty not up for renegotiation, says CoveneyBackstop should not be seen as a concession by one side to the other, Tánaiste saysMon Dec 10 2018 - 10:22
Brexit: UK can revoke Article 50, European court rulesRevocation exists as long as withdrawal agreement has not come into force - CJEUMon Dec 10 2018 - 08:56
Ministerial resignations in Belgium make early election a prospectMembers of nationalist Flemish N-VA step down over UN declaration on migrationSun Dec 09 2018 - 17:00
Nations to gather at Marrakesh to approve UN migration pactIn face of populist movement surge, UN seeks to project positive view of migrantsSat Dec 08 2018 - 05:01
EU ministers hit a wall in ongoing effort to reform asylum systemReforms in stalemate for past two years, as leaders unable to agree on key elementsThu Dec 06 2018 - 20:00
States reject watered-down EU declaration on LGBTIQ rightsPoland and Hungary accused of attacking core EU values by opposing LGBTIQ referenceThu Dec 06 2018 - 18:29
EU needs to find way to keep wayward members in checkEurope Letter: Standing up to illiberal statesThu Dec 06 2018 - 01:00
Euro can challenge dollar’s dominance, says European CommissionAbout 36% of the value of international transactions are conducted through euroWed Dec 05 2018 - 14:52
Brexit: UK likely to be able to revoke article 50 unilaterallyEU advocate general says UK can still change its mind on leaving EUTue Dec 04 2018 - 19:08
France and Germany abandon digital services taxNew proposal is a levy of 3% on digital advertisingTue Dec 04 2018 - 10:49
Single market for services still not working, says HumphreysNew report finds up to 30 services needed to produce single loaf of breadThu Nov 29 2018 - 10:09
UK exit relieves Spain of obligation to accept Gibraltar’s status quoEurope Letter: Madrid has exposed need for EU to shift from disinterested neutralityThu Nov 29 2018 - 01:00
Newspaper publishers seeking payment from online tech giantsPrinted press lobbying EU to protect draft copyright legislationWed Nov 28 2018 - 16:40
EU plans to be climate neutral by 2050Announcements makes EU first major economic bloc to declare environmental intentionsWed Nov 28 2018 - 16:14
Four-fifths of Irish voters want new online safeguards for electionsEU study finds disinformation and buying of elections a major concern for Irish electorateMon Nov 26 2018 - 20:00
EU summit agrees Brexit deal and warns it is not open for renegotiationAlternative to non-negotiable agreement is ‘no-deal, cliff-edge Brexit’, Taoiseach saysSun Nov 25 2018 - 19:25
EU leaders have endorsed Brexit deal at summit in BrusselsLeaders agreed text of UK withdrawal from EU warning deal is best Britain will getSun Nov 25 2018 - 16:18
Brexit barrier lifted as EU summit set to back May’s divorce dealKey gathering of EU27 will definitely proceed in morning after Spain lifts objectionsSat Nov 24 2018 - 20:50
EU leaders set to adopt Brexit withdrawal treatyOfficials finalise treaty and declaration texts ahead of meeting of leaders in BrusselsSat Nov 24 2018 - 01:00
Spain seek clarity on Gibraltar ahead of Brexit summitSpanish threat to derail meeting appears to have been averted by agreed statementFri Nov 23 2018 - 18:38
Political declaration offers DUP a way outJoint UK-EU document drafted to help May sell withdrawal agreementFri Nov 23 2018 - 06:00
UK to seek Irish help in technological solution to keep Border openDublin willing to consider ‘sensible and realistic’ solutions proven effectiveFri Nov 23 2018 - 06:00
Declaration promises UK free trade and close security relationshipNegotiators agree extensive potential UK participation in EU programmes in areas such as science, education and overseas developmentThu Nov 22 2018 - 20:42
Brexit declaration aimed at helping Theresa May in parliamentDocument ticks many boxes for the British PM – but doesn’t undermine the backstopThu Nov 22 2018 - 12:37
EU steps up war games against a new breed of attackEurope Letter: Hybrid war is never declared or ended. Countering it requires new toolsThu Nov 22 2018 - 01:00
Taoiseach says Government may have to negotiate a no-deal deal in event of BrexitVaradkar facing limited options if EU’s draft withdrawal deal with UK cannot be ratifiedThu Nov 22 2018 - 01:00
‘Very good progress’ in Brussels as Brexit talks go to the wireMay and Juncker to meet again on Saturday in effort to agree contentious political declarationWed Nov 21 2018 - 20:11
European Commission ready to discipline Italy over budgetPopulist Italian government wants to allow deficit to rise beyond approved levelsWed Nov 21 2018 - 15:48
Irish budget wins blessing of European CommissionItaly warned of risks of ‘particularly serious non-compliance’ over expansionary budgetWed Nov 21 2018 - 13:08
The week in Brexit: Key days aheadEU sources say text of full withdrawal agreement will not be discussed as it is ‘settled’Tue Nov 20 2018 - 19:03
Brussels to witness jostling over Brexit’s political declarationCoveney welcomes solidarity on withdrawal agreement but focus now on finalising textMon Nov 19 2018 - 21:48
Varadkar joins O’Reilly in call for Brexit report on North to be publishedEU Ombudsman O’Reilly believes it is in the public interest for documents to be releasedMon Nov 19 2018 - 12:42
Brexit: Brussels takes steps to avoid ‘scaring the horses’ in LondonMay hints she will focus on changing political declaration, not the withdrawal agreementMon Nov 19 2018 - 01:58
Brussels pressing ahead despite Brexit turmoil in LondonBy its own ‘concessions’ yardstick, the United Kingdom has not much to boast aboutFri Nov 16 2018 - 01:00
Brexit: What would the backstop mean for Irish Sea trade?Physical checks by customs would probably only be carried out based on tip-offsThu Nov 15 2018 - 19:05
Mussolini spinning in his grave at Italy’s reckless nationalistsEurope Letter: The EU needs to prove it can help resolve problems that feed nationalismThu Nov 15 2018 - 01:00
May faces party revolt after winning cabinet backing for Brexit dealProtocol on Northern Ireland provides backstop guarantee that will safeguard a soft borderThu Nov 15 2018 - 00:34
Deal between EU and UK is ‘a landmark moment’, says BarnierEU ambassadors to begin process of calling a special summit to approve the dealWed Nov 14 2018 - 22:28
The Brexit deal: what we know so farSpecial protocol on Northern Ireland provides a backstop guarantee that will safeguard soft BorderWed Nov 14 2018 - 16:46
Brexit deal commits UK to indefinite stay in customs unionAnalysis: Negotiators tacitly accept that customs union will form basis of future EU relationshipWed Nov 14 2018 - 14:43
EU Commission steps up preparedness planning for no-deal BrexitOfficials say no-deal contingency planning should not be seen as undercutting talks on deal, but necessary to plan for all eventualitiesTue Nov 13 2018 - 22:17
Transfer of suspects delayed due to doubts in Irish courts over EWAsHigh Court is seeking clarification from EU court on legality of European Arrest WarrantTue Nov 13 2018 - 17:25
Brexit: Summit hopes fade as Barnier says no Border breakthroughCoveney says talks intensifying as Boris Johnson accuses May of nearing ‘total surrender’Mon Nov 12 2018 - 12:53