EU ministers approve mandate for World Trade Organisation meetingEU trade ministers yesterday approved a negotiating mandate for the Singapore World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial conference…Wed Oct 30 1996 - 00:00
Regional cull may be considered to assist NorthTHE British Farm Minister, Mr Douglas Hogg, last night for the first time accepted the possibility of a special regional beef…Tue Oct 29 1996 - 00:00
Minister warns of pork producer prosecutionsTHE Minister for Agriculture, Mr Yates, yesterday warned that his Department will initiate prosecutions against pork producers…Tue Oct 29 1996 - 00:00
EU appoints envoy to Middle East and another to ZaireTHE European Union last night agreed to appoint a senior Spanish diplomat as its special representative in the Middle East, in…Tue Oct 29 1996 - 00:00
Farm ministers meet to agree BSE payout packageEU farm ministers meet in Luxembourg today to decide details of measures to rebalance the beef sector and to agree where to find…Mon Oct 28 1996 - 00:00
Belgian reforms pledged after 325,000 marchAFTER some 325,000 people took to the streets of Brussels yesterday in protest at the handling of the Dutroux child sex and murder…Mon Oct 21 1996 - 01:00
Two senior Irish officials appointed to key posts in European CommissionTWO key posts in the European Commission - responsibility for relations with former Yugoslavia and Social Fund policy development…Mon Oct 21 1996 - 01:00
Commission hopes to extend mandateWHO represents the member states of the EU at the World Trade Organisation? On most issues it's quite clear the Commission.Sat Oct 19 1996 - 01:00
Chasm widens between powerful and powerlessTHE words are inscribed on the posters that call Belgians to demonstrate on SundayFri Oct 18 1996 - 01:00
EU funding for light rail to Dundrum is agreed after reportTHE Dublin light rail system, Luas, will be built out to, Dundrum on the southside in preference to northside Ballymun, it was…Thu Oct 17 1996 - 01:00
Economic rules row sours euro meetingA DISPUTE in the European Commission yesterday oar the enforcement of economic stringency after the introduction of the single…Thu Oct 17 1996 - 01:00
Judge's removal in child sex case provokes strikesOUTRAGE at the decision to suspend the judge involved in the investigation of the child sex murders case has provoked spontaneous…Wed Oct 16 1996 - 01:00
Ministers abandon 5 TENS projectsEU Finance Ministers yesterday effectively abandoned proposals from the President of the Commission, Mr Jacques Santer, for an…Tue Oct 15 1996 - 01:00
Meeting on EU fishing cuts will test Irish presidencyEU fisheries ministers meet in Luxembourg today to do battle with the Fisheries Commissioner, Ms Emma Bonino, over her proposals…Mon Oct 14 1996 - 01:00
Flynn to seek new curbs on smokingARMED with a new set of recommendations from scientists on ways to curb tobacco related illness, the EU Commissioner for Social…Mon Oct 14 1996 - 01:00
Judgment urged on British role in BSE crisisTHE European Court of Justice should be asked to rule on British responsibility and financial liability for damage to the EU'…Sat Oct 12 1996 - 01:00
EU troika on a delicate Middle East tightropeTHE STORY - apocryphal, I'm sure - is told that Pope John Paul once suggested there were two possible solutions to the conflict…Fri Oct 11 1996 - 01:00
Expert unsure if BSE can be eradicated by 2001AN expert on BSE has said it is still not clear if the disease can be eradicated by 2001, as a recent epidemiological survey …Thu Oct 10 1996 - 01:00
Cut of £78m in EU reconciliation fund for North angers FF MEPEU Commissioner for regional Affairs, Ms Monika Wulf Mathies, has expressed "deep regret" over a decision by the European Parliament…Thu Oct 10 1996 - 01:00
Spring ends visit as Cairo voices fears over future of processTHE Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs ended his whistle stop visit to the Middle East with a call for immediate "concrete…Tue Oct 08 1996 - 01:00
Netanyahu says peace deals with PLO will be enactedTHE Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu, last night expressed serious concern at perceptions in Europe that Israel …Mon Oct 07 1996 - 01:00
December draft treaty promisedTHE DEBATE of the heads of government on the treaty changing Inter Governmental Conference was opened with a report from the …Mon Oct 07 1996 - 01:00
Summit calms nerves and dispels rumoursBY THE time they got to Dublin they were all thoroughly jittery, and the summit that few wanted was badly needed to calm nerves…Mon Oct 07 1996 - 01:00
Taoiseach's progress report says very little is spent on drugs fightTHE TAOISEACH, Mr Bruton, opened the proceedings of the informal summit over lunch with a report to colleagues on the progress…Mon Oct 07 1996 - 01:00
Major need not fear any great leap forward from DublinTHE SHORTAGE of "hard" news stories in papers during the summer doldrums is a function, according to my wife, not of the absence…Fri Oct 04 1996 - 01:00
Brussels proposes new labelling rule for all beef in EUTHE European Commission yesterday proposed new regulations to standardise the labelling of beef throughout the EU.Fri Oct 04 1996 - 01:00
Taoiseach sets firm agenda for EU summitTHE informal EU summit in Dublin on Saturday should commit the Union to concluding key changes in its treaty by next June, according…Thu Oct 03 1996 - 01:00
EU will take US to trade dispute panelTHE European Union has stepped up its campaign against the use by the US of extra territorial trade legislation in its campaign…Wed Oct 02 1996 - 01:00
Dublin seeks Euratom Treaty amendmentsIRELAND'S long running dispute with Britain over Sellafield and nuclear pollution of the Irish Sea moves to a new arena this …Tue Oct 01 1996 - 01:00
EU wants Israel to send "strong signal" on peace from summitTHE Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Spring, last night made it plain that the EU sees the onus for the restoration…Tue Oct 01 1996 - 01:00
£14.5m in EU funds for "way out" researchIF the information society is genuinely to become the property of all of society - not just a technological elite - it has to…Mon Sept 30 1996 - 01:00
Danes hoisted on their own protocolREMEMBER the abortion protocol? That insignificant protocol added quietly to the Maastricht Treaty when no one was lookingFri Sept 27 1996 - 01:00
Ruling likely to scupper conference on womenA CONFERENCE on rural women in Ireland is likely to be cancelled as a result of a European Court of Justice ruling.Wed Sept 25 1996 - 01:00
EU consensus on jobs emergingA CONSENSUS appears to be among member states that the EU Treaty should include a chapter on employment and a commitment to "…Wed Sept 25 1996 - 01:00
EU rules on workplace cancer risksEU garages must have new pumps installed within six years to ensure that cancer causing benzene, released into the air from petrol…Wed Sept 25 1996 - 01:00
Ministers must decide how to handle the outsidersIN agreeing to put in place a series of sanctions in the Stability Pact against those inside the single currency who misbehave…Mon Sept 23 1996 - 01:00
Single currency on target for 1999 launchJOHN Bruton has put what Europe is about simply: "Safe streets, secure jobs, sound money, and a peaceful world."Mon Sept 23 1996 - 01:00
BSE move blow to NI export hopesTHE British government's decision to suspend its selective cattle cull has put paid to any chance of an early end to the beef…Sat Sept 21 1996 - 01:00
EU refuses cash for Santer's TENS networkEU finance ministers are to finally reject Commission President Mr Jacques Santer's attempt to secure 800 million extra for trans…Fri Sept 20 1996 - 01:00
Some countries may be slow in handing back test papers on majority votingIT'S a bit like an exam paper - 58 questions, three options for each answer: Yes, No, MaybeFri Sept 20 1996 - 01:00
Targets rule for Mr EMUIRELAND would be at greater risk from not joining the single currency if Britain stays out, the Commissioner for Monetary Affairs…Fri Sept 20 1996 - 01:00
Broad accord claimed on EU budget reformBROAD agreement has emerged between EU states to incorporate for the first time the costs of actions in common foreign and security…Wed Sept 18 1996 - 01:00
British split on ending North beef export banTHE British government is split over its approach to ending the export ban on beef from Northern Ireland, it emerged yesterday…Wed Sept 18 1996 - 01:00
Ministers unlikely to back easing of UK beef cullTHE British Minister for Agriculture, Mr Douglas Hogg, today faces a cool reaction from EU farm ministers when he appeals for…Tue Sept 17 1996 - 01:00
EU finance ministers meeting to leave key questions to laterWITH the European Commission yesterday beginning to set out its EMU stall for next week's Dublin meeting of finance ministers…Sat Sept 14 1996 - 01:00
Spring favours EU enlargementTHE next stage of EU enlargement will "transform the Union from a region to a continent, and finally give us the right to call…Fri Sept 13 1996 - 01:00
Dutroux saga has rocked Belgians' faith in authorityTHE words, from a student project on nursing, are those of Eefje Lambrecks, read out at her funeral here last SaturdayFri Sept 13 1996 - 01:00
Diplomats point to the successes in foreign policy co operationIT IS perhaps inevitable that gloomy news predominates, rising to the top like oil in waterMon Sept 09 1996 - 01:00
Ministers seek to hasten EU treaty reformFRUSTRATED by the lumbering pace of EU treaty reform negotiations, the EU's foreign ministers in Tralee yesterday made clear …Mon Sept 09 1996 - 01:00
Spring promises an outline draft treaty for DecemberTHE Tanaiste reiterated yesterday the Government's commitment to completing work on an outline draft EU treaty in time for the…Mon Sept 09 1996 - 01:00