Emotional Bush bids farewell to beloved TexasAn emotional President-elect George Bush yesterday said goodbye to his beloved Texas, bowing out as its governor for what he …Fri Dec 22 2000 - 00:00
Bush fills key posts in signal to minorities and womenUS President-elect George Bush last night named a long-time personal friend and business associate, Mr Don Evans (54), as his…Thu Dec 21 2000 - 00:00
Fed leaves rates unchanged but signals recession fearsThe US Federal Reserve yesterday left short-term interest rates unchanged at 6Wed Dec 20 2000 - 00:00
Bush meets Clinton, Gore in effort to heal divisions caused by presidential electionThe US President-elect, Mr George WWed Dec 20 2000 - 00:00
Electoral College casts votes across USTennessee was first to declare, shortly after 10 a.m. Eastern time. Eleven electoral college votes for Governor George WTue Dec 19 2000 - 00:00
Voting weights slowed down talksThere was no issue at the summit which so exercised the leaders than their respective countries' voting weights in the EU's main…Tue Dec 12 2000 - 00:00
European company statute is approvedTwenty-seven years after it was first proposed, EU leaders broke a deadlock on the establishment of a European company statute…Sat Dec 09 2000 - 00:00
Swedes asked to resolve EU-NATO linkThe incoming Swedish presidency of the EU was yesterday asked by EU leaders to negotiate the details of the new EUNATO relationship…Sat Dec 09 2000 - 00:00
Ability of summit to agree on changes doubtedTwenty-nine European heads of government were last night making their way to the rain-soaked French Riviera for meetings intended…Thu Dec 07 2000 - 00:00
EU ministers leave Cyprus issue aside in talks with TurkeyEU ministers yesterday averted a major row with Turkey by agreeing a formula for Turkey's accession partnership agreement with…Tue Dec 05 2000 - 00:00
Change to EU treaty under fireIreland, Sweden and Britain were last night holding out against EU treaty changes which would allow groups of member states to…Mon Dec 04 2000 - 00:00
Income catch-up spurs regional inequalityIreland may have outperformed the poorer EU states in catching up with average EU incomes, but did so at the price of widening…Thu Nov 30 2000 - 00:00
Reworked EU plan gets nodAn overnight rewriting of a controversial French Presidency paper on the EU's social programme appeared yesterday to have removed…Wed Nov 29 2000 - 00:00
Ireland seems afraid of `mission creep' in IGC processThe struggle for consensus, sad to say, is not necessarily compatible with that for clarity or simplicity.Tue Nov 28 2000 - 00:00
EU accord on taxation package benefits IrelandIreland's manufacturing and IFSC corporation tax regimes have been copperfastened in an EU Finance Ministers' declaration that…Tue Nov 28 2000 - 00:00
EU rebuke for Germany, SpainThe Irish Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs, Mr David Byrne, has delivered a riposte to attempts by Germany and Spain…Mon Nov 27 2000 - 00:00
20% rise in euro's value `reasonable'A 20 per cent increase in the value of the euro would be "reasonable", the French finance minister, Mr Laurent Fabius said, following…Mon Nov 27 2000 - 00:00
Objections to French social policy delay summit plansFrench diplomacy - is it an oxymoron? Preparations for the Nice summit in 10 days, already complicated by the controversial French…Sat Nov 25 2000 - 00:00
EU revises upwards forecasts for growth, inflationThe European Commission, in its autumn economic forecasts, has revised upwards both its spring predictions for growth in the …Thu Nov 23 2000 - 00:00
Other states share Irish tax terms, says CowenThe Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, yesterday insisted Ireland was not alone in resisting any EU move to majority voting…Tue Nov 21 2000 - 00:00
EU states pledge 66,000 troops to rapid forceEU member states yesterday pledged some 66,000 troops to an EU Rapid Reaction Force capacity but have yet to come up with the…Tue Nov 21 2000 - 00:00
EU ministers to meet on rapid reaction force strengthEU defence and foreign ministers meet in Brussels today to set out national contributions to the EU's planned 60,000-strong rapid…Mon Nov 20 2000 - 00:00
US must pay $4.03bn import duty - EUThe EU said yesterday it wanted to impose sanctions of $4.03 billion (€4Sat Nov 18 2000 - 00:00
Gore faces quagmire of legal options"There's always the option of giving in," the New York Times headlined an opinion piece yesterdaySat Nov 11 2000 - 00:00
Voting patterns and preferences reveal a sharply divided societyMost women voted for Mr Gore, most whites for Mr BushThu Nov 09 2000 - 00:00
Wilde gave us a word for the forecasts of the expertsThe networks did not exactly cover themselves in gloryThu Nov 09 2000 - 00:00
Nader: a Green radical democrat who is a problem for American leftThere's a nice irony in the fact that the money that launched the scourge of corporate America on his 35-year campaign trail …Sat Nov 04 2000 - 00:00
Bush and Gore tinkering at the edges of the medical insurance minefieldBob Warner and Pat Koenig are clearly enjoying their retirement in the sunshine stateFri Nov 03 2000 - 00:00
Irish-Americans gather to meet Clintons, help Hillary `carry the torch in Congress'It was cead mile failte to the Clintons on Tuesday nightThu Nov 02 2000 - 00:00
Website offers punters a solution to Gore/Nader voting dilemmaLeft-leaning voters in swing states across the US have a real dilemma - how to support the consumers' champion, Mr Ralph Nader…Thu Nov 02 2000 - 00:00
Attacks getting dirtier, spending more franticClose-up: Young girl in summer dress against backdrop of grassy field. Rural idyllTue Oct 31 2000 - 00:00
Governor's widow to accept Senate seat offerThe widow of the Missouri Democratic Governor, Mel Carnahan, announced yesterday she would accept the new governor's offer of…Tue Oct 31 2000 - 00:00
US presence in Balkans becomes election issueThe continued presence of US troops in the Balkans has suddenly become a major foreign policy issue in the US election.Mon Oct 23 2000 - 01:00
Blair's style reveals an understated enthusiasm for the Europe projectThe contrast in styles at Biarritz was quite revealing.Tue Oct 17 2000 - 01:00
Ahern opposes giving binding legal effect to charter on basic rightsThe Taoiseach warned fellow EU leaders on Saturday that even mentioning the new Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU treaty…Mon Oct 16 2000 - 01:00
Binding rights charter urged on summitThe EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights, which will be debated today by the summit, should be legally binding, the President of…Sat Oct 14 2000 - 01:00
EU leaders confident basis laid for treaty reformsEU leaders last night expressed confidence that their deliberations on treaty reform had laid the basis for a successful outcome…Sat Oct 14 2000 - 01:00
EU lifts sanctions in upbeat message to BelgradeReservations and half doubts about the political complexion of the new Serbian regime were put aside by EU Foreign Ministers …Tue Oct 10 2000 - 01:00
Serbia puts focus on EU-Balkans financesThe rapid emergence of Serbia from the ranks of pariah states is likely to shine a spotlight on the European Union's strategy…Tue Oct 10 2000 - 01:00
Belgian far-right makes strong gains in pollStrong gains in Belgium's municipal elections on Sunday by the ultra-nationalist Vlaams Blok (VB) represent another significant…Tue Oct 10 2000 - 01:00
Strong backing for two-speed EUNew proposals from Germany and Italy to the EU's treaty-changing Inter-Governmental Conference explicitly urge the development…Mon Oct 09 2000 - 01:00
Blair sets out blueprint for EU's futureNational parliaments should be represented in a new second house of the European Parliament to safeguard the prerogatives of …Sat Oct 07 2000 - 01:00
Cowen states commitment to EU integration processIreland should not fear EU integration, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, argued in a speech in Portugal last night…Sat Oct 07 2000 - 01:00
EU court rejects legislation to combat smokingA landmark piece of EU anti-tobacco legislation, introduced by the former Irish Commissioner, Mr Padraig Flynn, has been struck…Fri Oct 06 2000 - 01:00
Prodi warns of threat to unity of EUThe EU is in grave danger of fragmenting and losing what has made it strong if the role of the Commission is further undermined…Wed Oct 04 2000 - 01:00
EU move will clip Fido's pause at green channelThe joys of a continental holiday are set to become the prerogative not just of Irish man but, soon, his four-legged friendsTue Oct 03 2000 - 01:00
Advance guard circles wagonsDenmark's sceptical voters may well have shot themselves in the foot by unintentionally giving new impetus to plans for structures…Sat Sept 30 2000 - 01:00
Was Sile thinking of EU curbs on Burren changes?There are Eurosceptics and then there are Europhobes.Tue Sept 26 2000 - 01:00
Dispute ends in Belgium as Dutch face jamsAs petrol deliveries resumed throughout Belgium yesterday, in Holland protests appeared to increaseSat Sept 16 2000 - 01:00