A resounding victory to indifferenceOpinion: Parliamentarians hoped to boost the ailing profile and legitimacy of the European ParliamentTue May 27 2014 - 01:01
The war to end all war“One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.”– Otto von Bismarck (1888)Wed May 14 2014 - 01:00
A surge of anti-EU populism in campaignWorld View: Sixty per cent of voters tend not to trust the EUSun May 04 2014 - 12:01
Voting in a time of turmoilWorld View: Elections can heal divisions or fuel conflictSun Apr 20 2014 - 12:01
Annexation of Crimea is the act of a bullying powerOpinion: When should minorities have a right to secede?Sun Mar 23 2014 - 12:41
West has only limited options in UkraineOpinion: There is a danger of exaggerating the power and the threat posed by PutinFri Mar 07 2014 - 17:46
MEPs trying to woo disillusioned votersOpinion: A low poll could sink Schulz’s gambitSat Feb 22 2014 - 00:01
Memorialising runs the risk of becoming politically toxicOpinion: Recent incidents have blurred the line between commemoration and celebrationSat Feb 08 2014 - 00:01
New York, New York – from Bloomberg to de Blasio, it’s a tale of two citiesOpinion: Bloomberg has left the city cleaner, safer and healthier, but far from equalSat Jan 04 2014 - 00:01
Turkey’s governing AK party embroiled in internal strife over corruption claimsOpinion: Erdogan is likely to announce a major cabinet reshuffleSat Dec 21 2013 - 00:01
Writers of the world call for end to mass online surveillanceRoddy Doyle, Colum McCann and Colm Tóibín among 560 signatories to international appealTue Dec 10 2013 - 01:00
Sino-Japanese tensions more a matter of muscle-flexing than a lead-up to warOpinion: China and South Korea remain angry at Japan’s refusal to face up to its pastFri Dec 06 2013 - 17:22
Old foreign policy advice to speak softly and carry a big stick will do for IranOpinion: Obama has refused pressure to assume the worst about Tehran’s ambitionsFri Nov 22 2013 - 18:58
Dumping the euro to save Europe seems harsh – and the outcome uncertainOpinion: A French diplomat has proposed a radical amputation to save the life of the EUSat Nov 09 2013 - 06:37
Legal moves to further protect foetuses threaten rights of US mothersOpinion: Legislation is used principally against poor and African AmericansSat Oct 26 2013 - 00:01
Speech at United Nations sees Obama’s and America’s return to realpolitikWorld View: Obama is pragmatically adjusting to a new realitySat Sept 28 2013 - 01:00
Wilful city of savage dreamers...Locked Out seeks to recall in all its complexity the 1913 events that marked the coming of age in Dublin of the Irish labour movementWed Sept 11 2013 - 00:00
Miliband should not revisit the past if he wants Labour to count in the futureOpinion: Tories still have work to do not to be seen as the party of the ‘toffs’Sun Aug 18 2013 - 00:01
Political Islam now in a state of crisisThe movement is far from dead, but it is rooted in an ageing, dying cultureFri Jul 05 2013 - 19:12
Italy’s ‘anti-political’ rebel seems to have a liking for the uno duce, una voce doctrineYet another political bubble bursts as movement’s demagoguery exposedSat Jun 22 2013 - 06:00
Abe the first serving Japanese PM to visit Ireland since independenceCo-operation between Japan, China and South Korea more important in the face of North Korea’s ‘provocative words’Wed Jun 19 2013 - 01:00
Talk of being masters of our fate is just guffWorld View: ‘Sovereign’ is one of the most abused words in the Irish political lexicon, a sacred cowSat Jun 01 2013 - 01:00
‘When Ulster’s position was challenged ...’William Smyth worked to defend the union from the threat of Home Rule – a fact not lost on his adversariesThu May 23 2013 - 10:00
Political abuse of charity status rife in USWorld View: In American politics they play by big money rulesSat May 18 2013 - 02:00
US media storm over murder trial of abortionist Kermit GosnellAnti-abortion pundits have berated ‘pro-abortion mainstream media’ for ‘deliberately ignoring’ caseSat Apr 20 2013 - 06:00
Putting manners on the merchants of deathCampaigners say one person dies every minute as a result of armed violenceSat Mar 23 2013 - 06:00
Dividing the spoils in Kenyan electionWORLD VIEW: The bloody aftermath in 2007-08 of Kenya’s last presidential election, in which more than 1,100 died and 660,000…Sat Mar 02 2013 - 00:00
Gloves off in Scottish sovereignty debateWORLD VIEW: A lot of skirmishes, noise and thunder off, but at last the campaign is onSat Feb 16 2013 - 00:00
Life, liberty and 20oz servings of Coca-ColaWORLD VIEW: Most of us find little problem enumerating basic democratic rights: the rights to vote, to organise, to free speech…Sat Feb 02 2013 - 00:00
Obama has won only temporary respiteWORLD VIEW: Ostensibly, the apocalypse – the temporarily averted fiscal cliff crisis – was all about finally getting to grips…Sat Jan 05 2013 - 00:00
An Irishman's DiaryThere’s a note in the 1856 journal of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about an unusual assignation for a poet: “Took the boys…Tue Dec 11 2012 - 00:00
Moment of truth for parties of the rightWORLD VIEW : The party, one commentator observed, faces the threat of extinction or even worse, becoming no more than the party…Sat Nov 24 2012 - 00:00
Story of Malema reflects sad state of South AfricaWorld View: He had to have a pad in the capital, he said, and so found a three-bed house in a nice areaSat Nov 10 2012 - 00:00
Where battle was won and lostElectoral trends: What was most remarkable was that Barack Obama did it all again, repeating and even exceeding his 2008 electoral…Thu Nov 08 2012 - 00:00
Road to hell beckons as EU's dangerous drift continuesWORLD VIEW: THE CONSENSUS, it appeared, was that we are “on the road to hell”Sat Oct 13 2012 - 01:00
A case of politics in the courtroomWORLDVIEW: The US supreme court, perhaps even more than Congress, is ‘the decider’ of many political issuesSat Sept 29 2012 - 01:00
Israeli stance on Iran risks alienating USWORLD VIEW: Netanyahu’s pressure on Obama has exposed tensions over Iran’s nuclear programmeSat Sept 15 2012 - 01:00
Sane or insane Breivik must not be releasedWORLD VIEW: Legal definition vied with psychiatric diagnosis in finding the Norwegian mass killer responsibleSat Sept 01 2012 - 01:00
Convention is a toothless piece of consultationWORLD VIEW: Constitutional forum’s narrow agenda rules out debate on major political reform issuesSat Aug 18 2012 - 01:00
Guilt blinds some to faults of RwandaWORLD VIEW: Rwanda’s support for a bloody militia in neighbouring Congo is deeply troublingSat Aug 04 2012 - 01:00
No easy retreat for UK from EU membershipWORLD VIEW : Reality of Norway’s link with EU should provide UK Eurosceptics with a political reality checkSat Jul 14 2012 - 01:00
Key goals to reduce poverty achieved ahead of target, says UN reportTHREE KEY goals set by the international community for reducing global deprivation – on poverty levels, access to water, and …Wed Jul 04 2012 - 01:00
The Handshake was belated but not historicMcGuinness’s meeting with queen represented a further step in Sinn Féin’s rebranding projectSat Jun 30 2012 - 01:00
South Africa's post-apartheid gains in perilWORLD VIEW: ANDREW FEINSTEIN, a former MP for South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC), has quit politics and now…Sat Jun 09 2012 - 01:00
Romney's US drum-banging causes concernWORLDVIEW: The front-runner extols muscle-flexing and not negotiating overseas. It is a dangerous narrativeSat May 26 2012 - 01:00
EU democratic deficit at core of fiscal impasseWORLD VIEW: WE ARE in the process – painfully, haltingly – of addressing the central deficiency in Europe’s single currency…Sat May 12 2012 - 01:00
Throwing a Punch in Ireland’s directionBy 1914, the influential political magazine 'Punch' was running half of its cartoons on Irish political themes - but it had developed a grudging acceptance of the inevitability of Home RuleWed Apr 25 2012 - 01:00
Salmond may be a great Scot but is no HitlerWORLD VIEW: Scotland’s first minister has sought to use the ‘home rule’ slogan for the separatist causeSat Apr 21 2012 - 01:00
Obama's key policy on line in court reviewWORLD VIEW: THERE WERE, in President Obama’s tiff with the supreme court this week, echoes of Paddy Donegan’s “thundering disgrace…Sat Apr 07 2012 - 01:00
Lecture hears of historian's view of two-nation IrelandTHE LOGIC that underpins the Belfast Agreement, the principle of consent, requires us to re-examine historical assumptions about…Sat Mar 10 2012 - 00:00