Paschal Donohoe to lobby in US on tax reform measuresMinister for Finance to tell US congressional leaders global trade should be encouragedMon Nov 06 2017 - 21:29
Brokenshire says progress on Irish border vital to Brexit talksNI Secretary of State says Britain ‘determined to press on’ despite lack of breakthroughMon Nov 06 2017 - 17:14
Belgian judge must decide by early on Monday whether to free PuigdemontCatalan leader and four colleagues surrendered in Brussels after warrants issuedSun Nov 05 2017 - 18:27
Irish drug dealer’s entrapment claim rejected by European courtECHR says Robert Mills was not the victim of an illegal Garda stingThu Nov 02 2017 - 18:19
French butter shortage may grease the wheels for Irish producersEurope Letter: Looking to France could solve a 50,000-tonne post-Brexit Irish surplusThu Nov 02 2017 - 01:00
Catalonia president challenges Spain to accept election outcomeCarles Puigdemont says he is not seeking asylum in Belgium but needs guarantees to returnTue Oct 31 2017 - 18:04
Carded! Bridge does not qualify as a sport, says EU courtThe English Bridge Union, which took the case, expressed disappointment at the rulingThu Oct 26 2017 - 12:33
Poland opposes changes to bolster wages of migrant workersEurope Letter: Macron an unlikely champion of working man in backing directive reformThu Oct 26 2017 - 01:00
Worst case Brexit scenario could see Irish GDP fall by 9%, says EU reportReport predicts Irish agricultural exports to the rest of the world could fall by $6.5 billionWed Oct 25 2017 - 21:34
Tusk kicks Brexit ball back into Theresa May’s courtEuropean Council president says UK must decide between good deal, bad deal and ‘no Brexit’Tue Oct 24 2017 - 10:42
Patrick Smyth: Mixed signals from Brussels on the borderThere was confusion after last week’s summit about whether sufficient progress had been madeMon Oct 23 2017 - 04:11
Talk of Brexit progress at EU summit following May speechLeo Varadkar suggests UK stance is gradually moving closer to EU’s positionFri Oct 20 2017 - 19:49
EU summit: What Europe’s leaders talked about apart from BrexitMember state leaders also found time to discuss migration, tax, Turkey and IranFri Oct 20 2017 - 17:10
Double act Tusk and Macron look to shape EU beyond Brexit ‘bump’Ahead of this summit, Donald Tusk toured EU capitals to sound out a ‘leaders’ agenda’Fri Oct 20 2017 - 05:00
Varadkar rebuffs suggestion UK has done all it can on Border‘If UK is leaving the EU, it is incumbent on them to put forward detailed proposals’Fri Oct 20 2017 - 01:00
Reports of far-right’s demise greatly exaggeratedSuccess of Freedom Party in Austria’s election shows populism far from a spent forceThu Oct 19 2017 - 09:11
‘Brexiteers are hooked on brinkmanship – and have been since the beginning’Commissioner Phil Hogan says EU summit will show 27 member states never more unitedThu Oct 19 2017 - 01:00
Britain’s ‘tough-guy approach’ to Brexit criticised by Phil Hogan‘We are now so close to the cliff edge of a hard Brexit ... we can see the drop’ - Ireland’s EU CommissionerWed Oct 18 2017 - 15:27
No Brexit ‘phase two’ talks before December, EU ministers insistSimon Coveney welcomes ‘very strong language on Ireland’ in EU summit documentsTue Oct 17 2017 - 20:00
Women’s role in European political life little changed since goal setCouncil of Europe report finds target of 40% participation hit by only Sweden and FinlandTue Oct 17 2017 - 01:00
EU ministers reiterate backing for Iran nuclear dealForeign ministers pledge to lobby US Congress over Trump move to repudiate dealMon Oct 16 2017 - 18:45
Brexit talks: Border must be tackled before trade, Brussels tells LondonEU also notes UK’s lack of ‘concrete commitment’ on divorce billSat Oct 14 2017 - 01:00
Trump has no power to kill off Iran nuclear deal, insists MogheriniEU foreign policy boss says the US president ‘has many powers, but not this one’Fri Oct 13 2017 - 20:20
EU’s proposed trade deal with Latin America criticised by trade ministersIrish minister concerned EU is vulnerable to massive influx of beef from Mercosur countriesFri Oct 13 2017 - 18:00
Irish fears of hard Brexit rise as talks hit ‘disturbing’ impasseLatest round of talks end with no sign of progress hoped for after May’s Florence speechFri Oct 13 2017 - 01:45
Barnier may get more wriggle room to help break Brexit impasseFrustration of EU negotiator could be eased if EU leaders give him enlarged mandateThu Oct 12 2017 - 18:56
Brexit: EU says talks at ‘disturbing’ impasse over moneyBarnier says sides are deadlocked over how much Britain should pay when it leavesThu Oct 12 2017 - 13:50
Theatre of the absurd in ritual dance between EU and British pressLack of progress in Brexit talks turns press briefings into a farceThu Oct 12 2017 - 01:00
ECJ finds MIBI liable for compensation of van crash victimMotor Insurers Bureau of Ireland is in effect an arm of State, top European court findsTue Oct 10 2017 - 09:53
Irish farmers concerned over trade deals with Mexico and south AmericaEU trade deals being negotiated may lead to glut of beef in European marketsMon Oct 09 2017 - 14:21
Brexit: No case for separate North deal in Government strategyAnalysis: UK is the biggest importer of Irish agri-food, representing 47% of Irish exportsMon Oct 09 2017 - 10:20
Irish officials in Brussels demand voting rights in Irish electionsIrish official expresses regret at failure of governments to address issue of voting rightsMon Oct 09 2017 - 09:13
Declaring independence will leave Catalonia in lonely placeEurope Letter: EU will offer Spanish region no favours if it carries through on threatThu Oct 05 2017 - 01:00
EU proposes major overhaul of cross-border VAT regimeIt estimates fraud costs it €50bn a yearTue Oct 03 2017 - 17:12
MEPs say Brexit talks should not proceed to next phase‘Northern Ireland Brexit solution will be part of the UK solution,’ insists DoddsTue Oct 03 2017 - 13:05
Catalan vote was not legal, says European CommissionCommission refuses to condemn Spanish government or police for violent scenesMon Oct 02 2017 - 15:01
Commission not ranking preferences for key EU agencies post-BrexitIreland is seeking to host European Medical Agency and European Banking AuthoritySat Sept 30 2017 - 16:00
EU leaders put pressure on Ireland over corporate taxTaoiseach defends Ireland’s low tax stance amid calls for harmonisation of tax ratesFri Sept 29 2017 - 19:36
Tax remains a thorny issue for Ireland at EU leaders’ summitDigital summit in Estonia full of futuristic promises but also potential stumbling blocksFri Sept 29 2017 - 18:01
Estonia’s digital summit proves much is still lost in translationTallinn’s DigitExpo treats heads of EU governments to display of artificial intelligenceFri Sept 29 2017 - 14:57
Varadkar says taxing tech firms too much will drive them awayTaoiseach: solution is not more taxes and regulation, it’s actually the oppositeFri Sept 29 2017 - 12:03
Brexit talks: Progress on citizens’ rights but major deadlocks remainParties begin drafting common principles needed to underpin Common Travel AreaThu Sept 28 2017 - 12:29
Estonians look to push Europe into being a real digital leaderEurope Letter: Tallinn digital summit to be attended by all but one of EU’s heads of stateThu Sept 28 2017 - 01:00
German election may curtail Macron’s ambitions for EU integrationAngela Merkel’s weakened parliamentary mandate seriously undercuts the possibility of support for the French president’s proposalsWed Sept 27 2017 - 01:00
Barnier warns UK a transition deal must respect EU rulesEU chief negotiator responds to David Davis’s comments about ‘regulatory divergence’Mon Sept 25 2017 - 19:42
EU ministers back commission over Polish rule-of-law concernsAndrzej Duda has said he wants greater control over judicial appointmentsMon Sept 25 2017 - 19:23
Irish EU officials not impressed with medicines agency emailOfficials say Irish Government, seeking support for relocation, have neglected themMon Sept 25 2017 - 01:01
May’s Brexit speech long on aspiration but short on solutionsCautious welcome from EU, but will it mean ‘sufficient progress’ has been made in talks?Fri Sept 22 2017 - 19:52
EU urged to push ahead with digital tax reformCommission paper set outs roadmap for reforming how digital firms should be taxedThu Sept 21 2017 - 12:09
Lighter exodus from Libya comes at morally dubious priceEurope Letter: Warlords and militia play dark role in curbing flight of refugeesThu Sept 21 2017 - 01:00