Irish regulator will oversee Google’s European GDPR complianceData Protection Commissioner now responsible for ensuring both search giant and Facebook are compliant on data privacyFri May 25 2018 - 17:34
Irish ‘backstop’ provisions cannot be used for Britain, says EUUK proposals to maintain regulatory alignment with EU for limited time are a ‘fantasy’Fri May 25 2018 - 01:37
Obscure provision may permit open Border if no-deal BrexitEurope Letter: Article XXIV of GATT could keep NI in customs union and single marketThu May 24 2018 - 01:00
Ireland vulnerable to ‘macroeconomic imbalances’, EC warnsGovernment urged to use ‘windfall gains’ to pay down debt and broaden tax baseWed May 23 2018 - 14:59
Zuckerberg hails Ireland as proof of Facebook’s commitment to EUSocial media group’s founder admits it has not done enough to stop abuse on its networkTue May 22 2018 - 20:15
Taoiseach welcomes ‘new insights’ into May’s thinking on BrexitUK expected to put customs proposals in written form to EU negotiators in weeksFri May 18 2018 - 01:00
‘Capricious’ Trump administration discussed at EU gatheringBreakdown in relations with US will test EU self-reliance, warns Donald TuskThu May 17 2018 - 19:25
Varadkar warns UK on need for progress in Brexit talks‘We need to seriously question whether we’re going to have a Withdrawal Agreement at all’Thu May 17 2018 - 10:20
Endless accession talks loom amid notions of EU enlargementEurope Letter: EU leaders gather in Sofia to reassure western Balkan states of futureThu May 17 2018 - 01:00
European court finds banning of play in Malta unlawfulMaltese authorities claimed that play showed contempt for Auschwitz victimsTue May 15 2018 - 18:39
Iran gets clear signal of EU plan to stand by nuclear dealMohammad Javad Zarif optimistic Tehran’s interests will be preserved despite US pulloutTue May 15 2018 - 17:18
UK told Brexit talks will not proceed without Border ‘backstop’‘There will be no withdrawal treaty if there isn’t a backstop dealing with the Irish Border,’ says CoveneyMon May 14 2018 - 16:22
London’s dithering means messy ‘no deal’ Brexit still possibleBrussels adamant withdrawal agreement must be approved by UK in June for talks to go onSat May 12 2018 - 06:00
Brexit and Ireland: The Border is a sideshow, if you’re an eelTalks about Irish issues aren’t just about the Border – they also cover trade, tourism and natureSat May 12 2018 - 06:00
Unanimity impedes EU decision-making, says Jean Claude JunckerEuropean Commission president underlines role of solidarity in formulation of policyFri May 11 2018 - 20:47
Penalties urged for Hungary and Poland over refugee stanceForum hears burden-sharing and solidarity are key principles of EU’s legal orderFri May 11 2018 - 20:33
EU attitudes to migration remain stable, forum hearsWhile right-wing groups focus on migrant debate, left appears to be ignoring issueThu May 10 2018 - 19:56
Rediscovering ‘solidarity’ vital to future of Europe – HigginsEU speech: President sets out distinctly left-wing vision, critical of obsession with marketsThu May 10 2018 - 18:28
Migration and ‘Dublin regulation’ concerns continue to simmerEurope Letter: EU compromise on asylum seeker rules will be hard to brokerThu May 10 2018 - 01:00
EU determined to preserve Iran nuclear deal after US pulls outReaction: Trump demand that allies fall into line could cause a considerable rift with EUTue May 08 2018 - 20:49
More than 90% of Irish people want to stay in EU, poll revealsRed C survey shows slight rise in Irish support for joining EU defence structuresTue May 08 2018 - 16:04
EU upgrades Irish economy but warns of risksSpring forecasts see Brussels raise 2018 growth projection to 5.7%Thu May 03 2018 - 10:54
Karl Marx’s insights retain their clout and relevanceTwo centuries later, the ‘father of communism’ should not be judged on disciples’ excessesThu May 03 2018 - 01:00
Big farmers to bear brunt of cuts to EU farm budgetRural development fund to be cut by 10 per centWed May 02 2018 - 18:24
European Commission proposes increase in EU spending after 2021Budget bill to require higher national contributions and cuts to funding for agricultureWed May 02 2018 - 11:52
Journey to agreement on new seven-year EU budget will be a long haulBudget commissioner Oettinger to set out proposals for next EU budget to run from 2020Mon Apr 30 2018 - 05:41
Michel Barnier: an energetic supporter of Ireland in Brexit woesSkilled European negotiator who insists on backstop Border provision set to visit IrelandMon Apr 30 2018 - 01:00
EU finance ministers give cool reception to digital tax planGermany, UK now opposed to measure proposed by European Commission - sourcesSun Apr 29 2018 - 13:11
UK’s ‘red lines’ only barrier to close ties with EU, says VaradkarTaoiseach makes case for integration on several issues but reiterates resistance on taxThu Apr 26 2018 - 19:01
EU needs to spend €20bn a year to compete on AI, commission saysEuropean Commission policy paper sets out three-pronged approachThu Apr 26 2018 - 06:00
The unresolved dilemma at the heart of Ireland’s ‘ethical’ foreign policyEurope Letter: Realpolitik and principle make for uncomfortable bedfellowsThu Apr 26 2018 - 01:00
UK trapped by self-imposed contradiction on Brexit, says HoganEU commissioner to take aim at Theresa May’s ‘red lines’ opposing customs unionThu Apr 26 2018 - 00:00
Syria €25m aid ‘is focus of largest-ever Irish response to single crisis’Ireland brings aid in region to €100m since 2012 as €3.6bn pledged at EU-UN summitWed Apr 25 2018 - 20:18
Windrush scandal raising EU fears, Home Office hearsConcerns grow about transition and post-Brexit reality for EU citizens in UKTue Apr 24 2018 - 19:21
Commission promises EU-wide protection to whistleblowersMove aims to bolster safety from retaliation for employees across unionMon Apr 23 2018 - 17:50
EU fake news initiative to focus on new code of practiceCommission to call for self-regulation rather than legislation to fight ‘disinformation’Mon Apr 23 2018 - 03:10
Ethical as well as technological challenges to robotics and AIWhat ‘rights’ have artificial intelligence objects, and can you embed a conscience?Thu Apr 19 2018 - 01:00
Appointment of secretary general draws ire of MEPsSelection of Martin Selmayr for European Commission job deemed ‘coup-like action’Wed Apr 18 2018 - 17:37
Tusk again warns no Brexit deal for UK without Border solutionUK has not produced proposals on how it will fulfil commitment to a ‘backstop’ solutionWed Apr 18 2018 - 16:36
EU recommends Turkish accession be kept on hold over human rights concernsCommission wants Albania and Macedonia to start talks on joining EUTue Apr 17 2018 - 20:45
Theresa May refuses to rule out further Syria strikesBritish PM defends decision to launch action against Assad without parliamentary approvalTue Apr 17 2018 - 01:00
EU foreign ministers withhold outright support for Syria attackLuxembourg meeting condemns ‘repeated use’ of chemical weapons by Syrian regimeMon Apr 16 2018 - 16:10
EU foreign ministers may tone down support for Syria strikeThere are worries by some EU states about legality of air strikes without UN approvalMon Apr 16 2018 - 01:00
EU endorses attacks on Syria by US, UK and FranceUnion ‘supportive of all efforts’ to prevent the use of chemical weapons, Mogherina saysSat Apr 14 2018 - 13:51
Hogan to ban ‘unfair’ contracts for food suppliersReforms would outlaw taking longer than 30 days to pay suppliers of perishable productsThu Apr 12 2018 - 12:15
Brexit is no excuse to start misunderstanding the EUEurope Letter: The union is a political project with equality as its guiding principleThu Apr 12 2018 - 01:00
EU launches €410m venture capital fund for start-ups and SMEsVenture EU hopes to trigger €6.5 bn of new investment in innovative start-ups across EuropeTue Apr 10 2018 - 11:01
UK lack of realism on Brexit becoming clear, says HoganIrish EU commissioner believes UK will find ‘huge gap between hope and experience’Mon Apr 09 2018 - 00:15
Euro zone needs more than a currency in its toolbox, says LagardeEurope Letter: IMF head wants EU to set up rainy-day fund for next crisisThu Mar 29 2018 - 01:00
Euro bank payments to UK to become significantly cheaperEuropean Commission says transfers will now be charged as domestic transactionsWed Mar 28 2018 - 15:16