We need to get over our prejudice about flexi hours and job sharingThe notion that men should work full-time is still embedded as a cultural normFri May 11 2018 - 05:00
Support your favourite musicians and make some money in the processBernard Hayes’s Fanled platform app allows music fans own songs and artists get fundedThu May 10 2018 - 06:00
No beards, no talking, no standing - weird workplace rulesWhile some rules makes sense, ridiculous ones have caused people to change their jobFri May 04 2018 - 07:00
From Young Scientist hopeful to the twinkling lights of Hong KongWild Geese: Anne O’Riordan is senior managing director at Accenture Life SciencesThu May 03 2018 - 17:00
Start-up Kianda aims to streamline business processProcess management and automation tool is brainchild of Dublin-based coupleThu May 03 2018 - 05:45
Taking time and cost out of generating sales leadsBusiness intelligence tool Outbound is aimed at firms with big sales teamsThu May 03 2018 - 05:24
New technology enables disabled people to integrate into workplaceAssistive applications open up mainstream opportunities to people with disabilitiesFri Apr 27 2018 - 06:00
‘Even a bad day in the mountains is still better than a great day in the office’Wild Geese: A 'gap year' in Spain at 45 led John Keogh to a new career as a walking guideFri Apr 27 2018 - 05:02
‘Put simply, I realised people want to live with friends’RooMigo takes some of the uncertainty out of shared living by matching housematesThu Apr 26 2018 - 01:00
Put your head over the parapet to get in the sights of headhuntersRaise your profile if you want to get noticed by executive search companiesFri Apr 20 2018 - 06:01
Mentors help Irish start-ups take a fresh look at businessGood mentors can help entrepreneurs challenge assumptions about their firmsThu Apr 19 2018 - 05:34
New oil tickles the taste buds of top chefsCollar of Gold has already caught the attention of chefs in Restaurant Patrick Guilbaud and Chapter One in DublinThu Apr 19 2018 - 05:26
Imposter syndrome: A fraudulent feeling that’s no respecter of rankFear of being found out is the big grey elephant in the room for many managersFri Apr 13 2018 - 06:37
App under development in Ireland aims to silence cyber bulliesPR expert and defamation lawyer working on digital tool DepublishThu Apr 12 2018 - 06:15
CitySwifter targeting bus companies with high frequency urban routesIrish company saw its future in selling its technology and not in operating bus routesThu Apr 12 2018 - 05:43
Motor industry faces growing threat of cybersecurity attacksAs today’s cars turn increasingly connected, they become easier targets for hackersWed Apr 11 2018 - 07:15
Employee mobile devices may pose data security risks to businessesIf you use your personal device for work or vice versa it’s wise to be mindful of data securityFri Apr 06 2018 - 08:00
How a digital content company that started in DCU went globalFutureproof: Terminalfour specialises in web management in the higher education sectorFri Apr 06 2018 - 05:30
‘To bring a company from scratch to where it is now is an incredible feeling’Veteran toy creators Luz and Noel Donegan took the digital plunge to developed a book authoring apps, BookieWookies and OOKSThu Apr 05 2018 - 06:45
Sarah’s Rawbites offers healthy alternatives to sugar-laden sweet treatsOwner Sarah Holm targets UK market after she settles into the SuperValu Food AcademyThu Apr 05 2018 - 05:45
Dublin-based start-up aims to make cybersecurity affordableDefence system developed by 4Securitas simplifies interception of hacker attacksThu Mar 29 2018 - 05:35
Should you erase your digital footprint to progress your career?Don’t let skeletons lurking in your online cupboard haunt your future job prospects.Fri Mar 23 2018 - 05:00
Spiritualised: From whiskey to sloe gin, rum and single malt vodkaBallyvolane House, Origin Spirits and the Blacks are all distilling exciting new drinksThu Mar 22 2018 - 07:55
Smart software helps car dealers convert leads into salesEskimo Software was founded in 2016 and now has 22 dealerships using the serviceThu Mar 22 2018 - 05:45
Executive search giants find Ireland newly attractiveSector transformed as big international search firms establish Irish operationsFri Mar 16 2018 - 08:00
Wild Geese: KBC Bank USA chief Conall McGonagleIrish-American networks in New York a key resource, says Galway nativeFri Mar 16 2018 - 06:22
Lexi teaches a living language that people use in everyday work situationsNew platform aims to short-circuit the pain of learning job-appropriate EnglishThu Mar 15 2018 - 05:26
Thanking someone for a job well done can go a long waySaying thanks can have a positive impact on employee motivation and workplace cultureFri Mar 09 2018 - 06:34
Ekho aiming to give tourist attractions the ‘wow’ factorNew platform provides visitors with in-depth information about attractionsThu Mar 08 2018 - 05:00
Growing pains as Generation Z makes transition to workplaceTwenty-somethings tend to be tech savvy but often lack soft skills required to fit in at workFri Mar 02 2018 - 08:00
Startup calls time on ticket toutsDublin-based ticketing software business Evopass thinks it can solve perennial problemThu Mar 01 2018 - 06:25
No response from those emails and texts? It’s time to get verbalWhen it comes to effective communication and persuasion, emails and texts are no substitute for an old-fashioned face-to-face conversation, according to recent researchFri Feb 23 2018 - 08:00
A little flexibility goes a long way in businessIt’s been a slow burn, but employers are finally waking up to the benefits of more flexible working patternsFri Feb 16 2018 - 06:34
PlasmaBound – forging stronger bondsNew bonding technology helps transport and infrastructure manufacturers to build stronger and lighter assembliesThu Feb 15 2018 - 05:25
In this ‘always-on’ world, time management is crucialTechnology has developed so fast there has been little chance to press pause buttonFri Feb 09 2018 - 06:00
Online driver training keeps truckers on the movePlatform from Galway-based start-up allows companies keep fleets on roadThu Feb 08 2018 - 07:05
Sound basis for encouraging a coaching culture in the workplaceCompanies with a strong coaching culture are better able to implement changeFri Feb 02 2018 - 06:00
New maths-learning resource for children adds fun to the equationCurrently being used in 650 Irish schools, Izak9 offers a shared learning experienceThu Feb 01 2018 - 06:25
Jobseekers, it's time to take a hard look at the ‘you’ packageLooking for a new job? Hold your nerve: it may take longer than you think to find oneFri Jan 26 2018 - 06:00
Study hub has learned clever way to tutor schoolchildrenLimerick social enterprise helps cut education costs for cash-strapped familiesMon Jan 22 2018 - 05:05
World of Work: Family-owned businesses need to face tough issuesOne of the biggest elephants in the room in any ‘Mom and Pop’ business is successionFri Jan 19 2018 - 06:00
Personalised tutoring service aims to make grade in online grindsJumpAgrade aims to help students prepare better for State examsThu Jan 18 2018 - 07:25
Genovese Foods’s pesto plan has all the right ingredientsFuture Proof: Gill Toal and Enda McCormack have big plans for their growing businessFri Jan 12 2018 - 08:00
Why career management is crucial if you want to continue to progressSuccessful careers don’t just happen, they have to be carefully plannedFri Jan 12 2018 - 06:00
How four young Irish firms are surviving the start-up rollercoasterStart-ups featured in the New Innovator column reveal the challenges they have facedThu Jan 11 2018 - 06:00
Are you the office doormat? Learn the art of saying noDo your career a favour in 2018 – high time you stopped being a people pleaserFri Jan 05 2018 - 06:00
‘Bone broth is nature’s Botox’: former trader joins a whole new stock marketCarol Banahan got tired of being a trader in Canada and set up a stock and broth firm in DerrySat Dec 30 2017 - 08:00
Using science and Big Data analysis to create a talent identification platformProfile 90 aims to take the guesswork out of talent spotting in sportMon Dec 25 2017 - 07:05
Dear Santa, I’d like to be a better manager in 2018You don’t need an elf on the shelf to tell if a manager is on the naughty or nice listFri Dec 22 2017 - 06:00
En-Perium makes life a lot easier for building professionalsSoftware that analyses building energy is designed from the perspective of the architect or engineerThu Dec 21 2017 - 06:35