Newspaper scandal widens over targeting of BrownTHE SCANDAL surrounding Rupert Murdoch’s News International group of newspapers in Britain escalated last night following allegations…Tue Jul 12 2011 - 01:00
Reversal of fortune as Miliband has the upper hand and Cameron looks vulnerableLabour senses scandal could hurt not just the Murdoch operation, but also the prime ministerTue Jul 12 2011 - 01:00
Top officers face Commons committeeTOP METROPOLITAN Police officers will appear tomorrow before a key House of Commons committee to face questions about the force…Mon Jul 11 2011 - 01:00
Concerns on UK-Ireland travel rules exploitationIMMIGRATION OFFICIALS at London’s Stansted Airport believe that passport-free travel rules between Ireland and Britain are being…Mon Jul 11 2011 - 01:00
Lib Dem MPs hint at effort to halt BSkyB dealRUPERT MURDOCH’S bid to take complete control of satellite broadcaster BSkyB is under threat after Liberal Democrat MPs hinted…Mon Jul 11 2011 - 01:00
Nama puts iconic London Odeon cinema on marketONE OF London’s most high-profile buildings, the Odeon cinema in Leicester Square, is to be sold following an agreement between…Sat Jul 09 2011 - 01:00
Generation LDNLondon’s Gaelic football team is on a roll, supported by a new wave of Irish immigrants, most aged 25-30, for whom emigration…Sat Jul 09 2011 - 01:00
Prime minister fails to distance himself from tabloid chiefsCLOSURE OF THE ‘NEWS OF THE WORLD’: DAVID CAMERON must hope dearly that Rupert Murdoch backs away from the BSkyB deal, for if…Sat Jul 09 2011 - 01:00
Murdoch flies in to tackle crisis as Clegg calls for 'accountability'NEWS CORP chairman Rupert Murdoch is due to fly to London today to take charge of the phone hacking crisis which has engulfed…Sat Jul 09 2011 - 01:00
Murdoch deal for BSkyB in the balanceRUPERT MURDOCH’S plan to take full control of the satellite broadcaster BSkyB has been scuppered by the political fallout from…Sat Jul 09 2011 - 01:00
News International crisis deepens as paper closesANDY COULSON, former communications chief to British prime minister David Cameron, faces questioning by the Metropolitan Police…Fri Jul 08 2011 - 01:00
Clegg lords it over upper house with plan to establish senateLONDON LETTER: Change comes slowly in the House of Lords and a new reform plan is not proving popularThu Jul 07 2011 - 01:00
More companies join advertising boycott of paperNEWS OF THE WORLD HACKING SCANDAL: MAJOR COMPANIES such as Halifax Bank, Virgin Holidays and the Co-Operative have decided to…Thu Jul 07 2011 - 01:00
A casting of thousandsAs half of the renowned wife- and-husband team behind Hubbard Casting, Ros Hubbard has helped decide who we see in blockbusters…Wed Jul 06 2011 - 01:00
British files reveal US envoys in plot to deport 'dangerous agitator' after RisingDIARMUID LYNCH was said to have been the last man to leave the burning GPO during Easter week in 1916Wed Jul 06 2011 - 01:00
Travellers pledge to fight eviction from Basildon campIRISH TRAVELLERS ordered to leave one of the biggest Traveller camps in Europe have said they will resist eviction by an English…Wed Jul 06 2011 - 01:00
Gang crime plummets in Glasgow districtGLASGOW’S NOTORIOUSLY violent gang culture has been dealt a blow by a Strathclyde police-led community effort that has seen some…Tue Jul 05 2011 - 01:00
London unveils Reagan statue on July 4thIMMORTALISED ON film, Ronald Reagan, former actor and US president, has been commemorated with a series of three-metre (10ft) …Tue Jul 05 2011 - 01:00
Duncan-Smith claims UK young losing jobs to foreignersBRITISH BUSINESS leaders have reacted furiously to charges made by former Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan-Smith that British…Sat Jul 02 2011 - 01:00
Sides disagree on numbers of striking civil servantsTRADES UNION leaders and British ministers last night disagreed about the number of civil servants who went on strike yesterday…Fri Jul 01 2011 - 01:00
Worried rail carriage-builders watch as jobs disappear overseasLONDON LETTER: Railways started in Britain, but soon it may build neither engines nor carriagesThu Jun 30 2011 - 01:00
British public sector workers start industrial actionCIVIL SERVANTS struggling to look after their children because of today’s strike, which could see up to a third of schools in…Thu Jun 30 2011 - 01:00
Ryanair rejects UK ruling over card chargesRYANAIR HAS rejected a ruling by the UK’s consumer and competition authority that it should stop imposing a £6 charge on flight…Wed Jun 29 2011 - 01:00
Cameron urges state staff not to strikeUK STRIKES: BRITISH PRIME minister David Cameron has appealed to 750,000 state employees, including teachers, civil servants…Wed Jun 29 2011 - 01:00
Pensioners breathe a sigh of reliefBank of Ireland had faced a PR disaster as elderly investors refused to be cowedWed Jun 29 2011 - 01:00
British military to be streamlined with reduction in officersTHE BRITISH ministry of defence, which has been criticised for failing to control its multimillion-pound budget, is to reformed…Tue Jun 28 2011 - 01:00
China, UK contract deal worth £1.4bnCHINA AND the United Kingdom yesterday signed contracts worth more than £1.4 billion (€1Tue Jun 28 2011 - 01:00
Bulger killer refused parole after decision he still poses riskJON VENABLES, one of two boys who murdered Liverpool toddler Jamie Bulger in 1993, has been refused parole following a decision…Tue Jun 28 2011 - 01:00
Bank of England governor says loans will not solve crisisBRITISH VIEW: BILLIONS OF extra EU loans for Greece and other countries struggling with mounting national debts, such as Ireland…Sat Jun 25 2011 - 01:00
Sellafield included among eight new nuclear plantsEIGHT PRIVATELY built nuclear plants are to be constructed in England and Wales, including two at existing nuclear installations…Fri Jun 24 2011 - 01:00
Delight at 'wonderful' meeting with ThatcherCHARLES HAUGHEY, who presented Margaret Thatcher with a Georgian silver teapot at his first meeting with her in Downing Street…Thu Jun 23 2011 - 01:00
Church of England leaders at odds over issue of gay bishopsLONDON LETTER: The church’s full synod will gather in York next month, this time armed with legal advice, to try to break the…Thu Jun 23 2011 - 01:00
Wily man is no friend of ours, envoy told ThatcherCHARLES HAUGHEY was a man of “calculating and ruthless ambition” who had “become pretty sophisticated and would like to be more…Thu Jun 23 2011 - 01:00
Cameron defends change of plans to cut prison numbersMAJOR PLANS to cut prison numbers in England and Wales which were pushed strongly for months by prime minister David Cameron …Wed Jun 22 2011 - 01:00
Irish-owned hospital to closeA PRIVATE hospital owned by Irish investors John Magnier, JP McManus, Dermot Desmond and Denis Brosnan, where staff were secretly…Tue Jun 21 2011 - 01:00
Council told of chance to sell 'green' energy to GermanyGERMANY’S DECISION to close its nuclear power plants early offered major opportunities to Ireland and Britain to sell it renewable…Tue Jun 21 2011 - 01:00
Kenny attends London summitTaoiseach Enda Kenny has insisted that a new European Union bailout for Greece, which is being negotiated in Luxembourg today…Mon Jun 20 2011 - 01:00
Balls makes complaint over leak of papers to 'Telegraph'THE DISCLOSURE of private papers belonging to Labour’s Ed Balls covering efforts to push Tony Blair from 10 Downing Street in…Sat Jun 11 2011 - 01:00
Tory MP questioned on suspicion of sex assaultRIGHT-WING Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen, elected for the first time last year, has been arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting…Fri Jun 10 2011 - 01:00
Cameron rejects unjust policy charge by archbishopBRITISH PRIME minister David Cameron has rejected charges by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams that the Conservative…Fri Jun 10 2011 - 01:00
Ireland appears on right track, says acting IMF chiefTHE GOVERNMENT’S economic strategy to deal with Ireland’s financial and banking crisis “appears to be on the right track”, though…Tue Jun 07 2011 - 01:00
Recession just small beer for UK pub chainFRIDAY INTERVIEW: Tim Martin, chairman, JD WetherspoonFri Jun 03 2011 - 01:00
Inquiry into abuse at hospital owned by Irish investorsFOUR HOSPITAL staff working in an English hospital owned by prominent Irish investors, Denis Brosnan, JP McManus, Dermot Desmond…Thu Jun 02 2011 - 01:00
Oxfam warns of mass hunger over food pricesPRICES OF staple foods will more than double over the next two decades unless urgent action is taken to change the rules of world…Tue May 31 2011 - 01:00
Twitter hands over data on councillorTWITTER HAS handed over information about a Tyneside councillor who is alleged to have made libellous comments about fellow councillors…Mon May 30 2011 - 01:00
Scottish party to challenge UK supreme courtTHE UK supreme court should not be able to review human-rights judgments made in Scottish courts, Scottish National Party ministers…Mon May 30 2011 - 01:00
Miliband weds long-term partner in civil ceremonyLABOUR PARTY leader Ed Miliband, who once said he was too busy to get married, yesterday wed his long-term partner Justine Thornton…Sat May 28 2011 - 01:00
Creighton criticises 'sheep' politiciansEUROPEAN UNION leaders must show “courage and leadership” to face the challenges of today and not behave like “sheep” prepared…Sat May 28 2011 - 01:00
Nama denies 2013 is UK sale deadlineTHE NATIONAL Asset Management Agency has denied that it plans to complete the sell-off of £9 billion worth of British properties…Sat May 28 2011 - 01:00
Why 10 years of Doha talks must end with free trade agreementLONDON LETTER: Peter Sutherland and Jagdish Bhagwati say their review of the Doha trade talks is being published as an urgent…Thu May 26 2011 - 01:00