A quarter of news users decided not to share stories on accuracy doubtsReuters Institute finds 25-34 age group most likely to pay for online newsWed Jun 12 2019 - 04:35
Spotify makes presidential bid for podcast gloryExclusive deal with Barack and Michelle Obama points to fragmented audio futureTue Jun 11 2019 - 03:45
RTÉ spent €41 million on independent productions in 2018One in six TV pitches are commissioned, but spending has only nudged up in recent timesMon Jun 10 2019 - 03:15
Apple’s missing map mojo, Ai-Da the arty robot and the richest US self-made womenPlanet Business: It’s all kicking off in France todayFri Jun 07 2019 - 05:10
Guidelines issued for non-alcoholic drink ads to avoid ‘confusion’Non-alcoholic product variants should not target children, watchdog rules dictateThu Jun 06 2019 - 20:39
Sexist job advert legacy of the 1970s still lingersDays when only men had ‘initiative’ and only women were ‘friendly’ not really so distantTue Jun 04 2019 - 05:13
RTÉ and TG4 warm up for their Fifa Women’s World Cup debutAll 52 matches to be broadcast on Irish TV for first timeMon Jun 03 2019 - 01:00
Buoyant football clubs, Eurovision ratings and a UK PM contenderPlanet Business: Time for one last Brussels get-together for Theresa MayFri May 31 2019 - 05:55
RTÉ and Acorn commission period post-mortem mystery Dead StillSix-part international co-production set in 1880s Ireland now filming in DublinThu May 30 2019 - 12:39
‘Real crisis’ in newsroom resources a concern, says press ombudsmanPress Council reiterates dismay in delay to Defamation Act reviewWed May 29 2019 - 15:29
Biggest Irish listed companies given 33% female director target by 2023Review group urges end to all-male boards, but stops short of calling for gender quotasWed May 29 2019 - 07:22
Real Madrid overtake Manchester United as Europe’s most valuable club, says KPMGSpanish club’s enterprise value rose 10% after Champions League title hat-trickWed May 29 2019 - 05:35
Press ombudsman received 464 complaints in 2018Objections to ‘rosarectomy’ cartoon, not upheld, caused surge on previous yearWed May 29 2019 - 00:01
Recent job losses reflect difficult outlook for Irish journalismGrim backdrop for employment prospects as three newspaper groups make editorial cutsTue May 28 2019 - 02:54
‘Sweden and Ireland have many things to discuss’AstraZeneca chairman Leif Johansson talks free trade, Brexit and pharmaceuticalsMon May 27 2019 - 05:00
Bish, bash, bosh: Jamie Oliver’s restaurant empire comes crumbling downPlanet Biz: Paternity leave; philanthropic billionaire Robert F Smith; facial recognitionFri May 24 2019 - 05:59
Irish Distillers serves up whiskey podcastBrand is latest to join audio trend with ‘toe in the water’ history seriesThu May 23 2019 - 05:33
Diageo to offer 26 weeks paid leave to new Irish fathersDrinks giant signals ‘bold’ move to equal paternity and maternity benefits in many marketsWed May 22 2019 - 13:32
Times Ireland to make most editorial staff redundantIrish print edition of UK newspaper to cease publication with small number to continue working on digital productTue May 21 2019 - 17:08
Employment reaches record high after stronger than normal first quarterNumbers in work have ‘never been higher’, says Central Statistics OfficeTue May 21 2019 - 11:57
Game of Thrones weekly fever should spell the end of the TV bingeThe series would not have gained the same attention if it had been uploaded all at onceTue May 21 2019 - 03:59
Gender balance in boardroom to be targeted by lawChambers Ireland lobbying for ‘more business-friendly approach’ to legislationTue May 21 2019 - 02:57
Screen Ireland hosts Cannes women event as it steps up funding parity planAgency announces winners of low-budget feature film scheme for female talentMon May 20 2019 - 05:21
RTÉ hunts sponsors for Playback and Tracy CliffordNew commercial partners sought for Radio 1 round-up and 2fm afternoon showMon May 20 2019 - 05:00
Cannes obsession, Amazon ambition and how to run a company ‘the Richer way’Planet Business: Bumpier than an Uber IPOFri May 17 2019 - 05:05
PwC calls for tax reforms to help Irish-owned businessesEntrepreneurs and family-owned companies should be better supported, says accounting firmWed May 15 2019 - 04:35
Permanent TSB chief says merger with another bank not on his agendaAnnual general meeting hears ‘tough decisions’ must be made at lenderTue May 14 2019 - 17:26
Adjust your sets: ITV bids to evolve in age of NetflixBroadcaster’s share price has halved since 2015 – will takeover rumours begin again?Tue May 14 2019 - 05:15
Bord Bia ranked most reputable company in the RepublicIRFU and Aer Lingus also among the steady climbers in the annual RepTrak rankingFri May 10 2019 - 05:20
Brexit: Irish businesses urged to apply for customs numbersUp to half of Irish companies incur ‘unnecessary’ risks by not applyingThu May 09 2019 - 14:26
Stock plunges, Tinder surges and water for ‘straight-edge punks’Planet Business: Tense and thirsty times, for everybody except Match GroupThu May 09 2019 - 05:27
Mayhem and bloodshed: Ivan Yates and Pat Kenny warm up for European debatesRatings are higher when they ‘get the blood up a bit’, say Virgin Media election hostsTue May 07 2019 - 18:12
Virgin Media adds 3,400 subscriptions in first quarterCompany says it is on path of ‘solid progress’Tue May 07 2019 - 12:19
Middle-aged 2fm seeks new path to reach ears of Generation ZRTÉ station plans to ‘evolve’ ahead of its 40th birthday, but will younger listeners respond?Tue May 07 2019 - 05:45
Big reputations: Why firms have to work harder to woo doubtful ‘fence-sitters’A reputation expert explains how Netflix and Uber have improved theirs, while Facebook’s and Google’s have slidTue May 07 2019 - 05:13
Smurfit Kappa packs up quarterly earnings growth of 25%Tribute paid to retiring chairman Liam O’Mahony at group’s annual meetingFri May 03 2019 - 16:57
Facebook pivots, Brexit lulls and the company that wants us to love MondaysPlanet Business: Taking it to ‘the next level in every respect’Fri May 03 2019 - 05:24
Radio ratings: Marian Finucane, Matt Cooper the main winnersRTÉ 2fm signals big changes as Today FM toasts breakfast and drivetime gainsThu May 02 2019 - 12:06
Jenny Greene returns and Doireann Garrihy joins as 2fm pivots to talkNew phone-in show and evening bid to chase younger podcast listeners from JuneThu May 02 2019 - 12:01
Coillte profits more than treble on wind farm gainsDividend paid to State up 87% to €15m, while the group is now close to being debt freeWed May 01 2019 - 16:35
Avengers: Endgame to make this the busiest week for Irish cinemas in seven years‘Not an ordinary movie’: Marvel film is 2019 box office leader after just its first weekendWed May 01 2019 - 16:20
Chernobyl TV drama will bring new light to 1986 nuclear disaster, says Adi RocheCampaigner welcomes hard-hitting Sky and HBO TV series that prompted tears at UNTue Apr 30 2019 - 18:10
Confident Twitter doubles down on desire for ‘conversation’Company’s pursuit of growth depends on abuse reduction and media content dealsTue Apr 30 2019 - 05:25
Radio body JNLR keeps faith with existing measurement methodPen-and-paper ‘aided recall’ still the best system for calculating audiences, it concludesMon Apr 29 2019 - 05:23
‘Irish Daily Mail’ publisher reaches redundancy targetPolitical editor and head of news among the departuresFri Apr 26 2019 - 18:24
Cash cows, top jobs and the return of Elizabeth HolmesPlanet Business: Things are going so bad for Boeing, Trump has got some adviceFri Apr 26 2019 - 05:00
Feargal Quinn: Pioneer, shop floor enthusiast and one-time bingo callerMan behind the Superquinn chain believed his customers should want to come backThu Apr 25 2019 - 19:37
Screen Ireland appoints Désirée Finnegan as new chief executiveMarketing and publicity expert will lead Irish film, television and animation bodyThu Apr 25 2019 - 14:33
Superquinn founder Feargal Quinn dies aged 82Businessman served as senator for 23 yearsThu Apr 25 2019 - 12:44
Our face-down culture won’t last forever – not if advertisers can help itSupersized ad screens of the future may break smartphones’ hold on our attentionTue Apr 23 2019 - 03:45